Salt and Sanctuary or Sacrifice

Gah, this may be obvious to everyone else, but just in case it’s not: You can put level points into any unlocked stat globe multiple times. I’m not sure if there’s a limit (I put 5 in one just to see and it seems like it’ll keep going). I was desperately searching out every endurance slot so I could keep up with the weight gain on all my items, but you don’t need to go off track to get a particular stat. As long as you’ve unlocked one of them, you can keep dumping in it.

I’m a bit confused about some of the tree as a consequence. There’s some stat globes that are at dead ends, so I’m not sure why you’d go for those ones.

The limit is 5. Keep in mind most stats have a soft cap at 50 I think.

I think it is theee actually - you can see the pips in each stat that fills in when you upgrade again.

No it’s not 3, I’ve already raised one to 5. It fills the pips, then changes randomly from pips to a number. It felt intentionally deceptive, though it’s a small point so I don’t much mind.

Woah I didn’t know that… gtk.

Do you guys think it’d be possible to build a paladin that specializes in heavy armor, shields, greathammers, AND prayers? I definitely want heavy armor and shield tank build and would prioritize prayers next over greathammer, but if I can do all of this together it would be pretty awesome - just feel like it might be too much. Only level 14 right now and have invested in heavy armor 2 and endurance mostly but still nowhere near being able to wear any heavy armor.

I’m getting the impression focusing on heavy armor and strength isn’t possible (at least for my first run through). Getting the best armor requires a TON of investment in endurance to be able to equip it.

On the other hand, all the high level greatswords I’m finding have lower strength scaling anyways… I’m wondering if strength scaling is percentage based? Then my higher damage sword with a lower strength scaling may be getting the same attack value from strength that my lower attack value higher scaling weapon is?

Anyway, I think it’s possible Leadfoot, you’ll just need to level some in NG+ to maximize it. I think I’m nearing the end of the game and my focus on maxing armor and sword tracks is dead-ending.

After almost 50 hours, I think I’m spent. I have 4 playthroughs where I’m bored or frustrated. The combat and boss fights aren’t interesting enough to justify 200+ hours or anything. NG+ is like Dark Souls where the increase in enemy damage is kind of annoying. I would’ve preferred a fun tour where I steamroll everything.

I’ll play through some more for the PC release in a few months, and I still need to try multiplayer.

Zero Punctuation (do people still watch that?) took on Salt and Sanctuary. I’ll have to watch when I get home.

I ended the game at level 90 w/ 2-H maces 2, Shields 4, Heavy Armor 5, 1-H Maces 4, and Prayers 4. I don’t recall the exact order I took everything in, but I wore heavy armor throughout and had 40%-50% resists at 45%-55% equip load (depending on if I was using mace and shield or big hammer). I also wore the +5 endurance stat ring, FWIW, but otherwise I never felt like I compromised my build.

Swords might be a lot rougher; I remember the sword line not being right next to the heavy armor line like maces are. Seems like if you stick to Maces/Heavy Armor you don’t have to wonder far to get both perks. The stuff I spent getting Prayers might just be the stuff you spent getting swords; I can’t be sure as I never really went into swords.

Chris Woods

Is there a benefit to being low on equpiment load? I’ve been at ~95% the whole game. I was building against the limit thinking that was strategic.

You’ll fat roll at that load (I also play at 95% but I was playing a low-load Mage for a bit, too). Someone said upthread, and I agree, that fat rolling isn’t nearly a problem in this game as in … other games of this type, especially given the 2D layout. Having super heavy and protective armor is well worth the trade off, in my book.

You’re much faster at low load, also your roll is faster and goes farther, can be a big help with rolling through some of the larger bosses.

Bosses were the biggest reason I tried to stay at 50% range. If I went much higher I would get “caught” in the bosses legs when trying to roll through one of their attack and get hit. It also doesn’t help that each next tier of armor is, like, 5 million pounds heaver then the previous. I had the talent for Tier 5 armor, but I think I wore Tier 2 at the end because even going to Tier 3 made me feel slower then a slug.

Chris Woods

Steam page is up. No preorder yet. I like how he’s able to set the release date as “Soon 2016.” It should be June/July. Right after you’re done with The Witcher 3 DLC.

Any word on if the Devs have changed their minds on the lack of in game map?

You mean changed their mind on sleeping the next few months? Whether they want to or not, I doubt they have the time as they’re scrambling to get the game out on Steam. Don’t get your hopes up.

No, when I said “Any word on if the Devs have changed their minds on the lack of in game map?”, what I actually meant was “Any word on if the Devs have changed their minds on the lack of in game map?”.

Further, I did not connect such a mechanic to the Steam release, I simply used that bump to ask.

This is out on PC now, you non-PS4 owners should totally play it, it’s great.

I’ll buy it tonight for sure, along with SPAZ 2. What a great day. :)

Ooh, nice, thanks for the heads-up.