Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the Fandango?

Seems like this guy deserves his own thread?

He’s off to a good start by complaining about leaks, leaking that he is going to fire someone, and then calling out the story about him firing someone as a leak.


I miss Spicey and his struggles with alt-facts. This guy just looks and sounds like one of the Trump boys, fifteen years in the future.

I think he might ultimately be more entertaining than Spicey, if this week has been any indication.

He’s truly the press secretary with the golden gun.

Is he related to Grover Norquist?

Here’s another prime example of that bizarre American pathology that the value of a person and their level of success is measured solely in terms of dollars. I think it’s telling that when he gave his first press conference and was saying goodbye to Spicer he said he wished him well, and hopes he goes on to make a lot of money. These guys are like caricatures of Gordon Gekko but they’re real life. It’s hard to reconcile their world view, if you can call it that, with anything like reality.

Actually they remind me of the DeCavalcante crime family, on whom the Sopranos was based. They fantasized about being the Hollywood fantasy of the Sopranos, about being respected by the New York mafia, living in big mansions and rolling in millions, gold chains and hookers and being the big boss. In reality they owned a strip joint and drove around for days on end trying to find something illegal to do. When they eventually got around to ordering a hit on an informant and were arrested, instead of “nobly” doing their time and keeping up the Mafia code, they all sang like songbirds to the prosecution to save their own skins.

We can only hope they sing the same song.

Bohemian Rhapsody?

This guy will last 4 months.

If you caught this on-air interview this morning, it was pretty crazy.

New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza called into CNN this morning to discuss his reporting. In a bizarre turn of events, in the middle of Lizza’s interview, Scaramucci also called into the show.

Scaramucci said that he and Trump had a message to deliver. That message was “we have a very, very good idea of who the leakers are, who the senior leakers are in the White House.” He described some of the leaks as “so treasonous that 150 years ago people would have been hung.”

He described the leak of his dinner last night with Sean Hannity as “totally reprehensible.” (He had called Lizza last night to try to get him to reveal the leaker of his dinner date. Lizza refused.)


We have a very, very good idea of who the leakers are, who the senior leakers are in the White House.

Such an obvious bullshitter move.

I read that ol Trumper himself likes a lil leak now and then.

I’m not the only one that giggled at this…am I?

Nope, lol.

“We know who you are … look out!”
crickets chirping

I mean, if they knew, they could fire every single one of them. There’s no need to wait around whatsoever. So it’s a) they don’t know and this is just a bluff, b) they don’t really care that much and this is just a smokescreen, c) both a & b.

Nice reference!

Sometimes I wish I was in the press pool and didn’t care about keeping my job.

“So why don’t you fire them?”
“They serve at the pleasure of the President”
“So I can quote you that the President is pleased to work with felons in the White House?”
“That’s not what I said …”
“You said they committed felonies”
“Yes, but …”
“… and that they work in the White House at his pleasure.”
“Look, you’re misunder-”
“So are you saying he doesn’t know how to fire people, instead? I think someone may have some evidence to the contrary.”
“Security, please remove that reporter.”

And then you scream about the nightrider as they drag you out.
It’d be amazing.