School shooting in Florida

Basically, it’s a case of “Show me the money!” You can’t count on him to do what he says he will until you see him actually do it. (He is still surprisingly loyal to his base, however.)

Fun thing, was taking to my dad and he repeated the exact same thing about “I don’t care what Trump says, I like what he does” so Malathor must be reading from the same talking points from some source.

Well, he cut taxes, though that’s the same thing Ryan and McConnell would have done with any other Republican president. Which I think cuts to the point. “I don’t care about all that junk, I just want my tax cuts, and he delivered.” Republicans gonna Republican at the end of the day.

If you like tax cuts, and don’t think it matters that Trump is degrading democracy around the world, then sure, he’s a good president, I guess. So far. There are still 3 (7?) years for him to really screw the pooch.

Perhaps the things that they hate are more important to them than the things that they love.

Hate is easy. Love requires work.

Guns have dominated politics this week. And the one idea President Trump keeps coming back to is arming teachers.

But a new NPR/Ipsos poll found that really only one group of people are in favor of training teachers to carry guns in schools — Republicans, especially Republican men.

Trying to create a world they have better skills at succeeding in.

Sort of, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Except with guns.

“Except with guns and military power”, I should have said.

Well, I’ve been reading about it since it happened, and there are hundreds of articles about it, so I’m not sure what more she wants at the moment.

Don’t want to give veterans a bad name. Also, health care workers are most likely liberals, so no big deal. /s

Stoneman Douglas made bigger headlines because there were more victims, and they were children. It has stayed in the headlines because those ‘victims’ are turning out to be engaged, powerful political actors.

I am really eager to see the age demographics of the vote for the midterms, in Florida and everywhere else. They may be disappointing, but I need all the optimism I can get ;)

Yes, let’s arm teachers. What can go wrong?

A teacher who is also a reserve police officer trained in firearm use accidentally discharged a gun Tuesday at Seaside High School in Monterey County, Calif., during a class devoted to public safety.

I don’t want to laugh…I really don’t…

Well, what statistics we have bear that out. Having guns around makes it more likely that you’re going to have an accidental injury/death than fighting off an attacker (I understand why the statistics don’t matter to some people in terms of wanting a gun to defend their home).

Putting a bunch of guns in school is unlikely to stop an active shooter, but accidents like this are going to happen.

Trump said that he would have taken on the Stoneman Diuglas shooter without a firearm so, maybe, if we want to protect students without introducing more guns to the classrooms, we just need to clone enough Trumps to put one in every school

Wow, just had a chance to read some of the articles and watch some clips from the walkout and, I have to say, I found myself getting choked up. Powerful stuff

My daughter (high school sophomore) joined about two-thirds of her classmates in walking out today. They went all of an eight of a mile to the football field and read out the names of the 17 victims.

Since the principal of the school is a bit conservative, he (alone in the county as far as I can tell) ordered all the kids to be counted as absent from their class at the time. So I got a nasty-gram from the school about her being absent, the importance of school attendance, etc. (it was the standard robo-mail that goes out). The email requested that I call the school to say whether we knew about her absence, whether she was sick, what her symptoms were, etc.

So I dutifully called up and told them that my daughter was legitimately sick, that her symptoms were “nausea from watching the news”, and that we took her into the doctors for a visit that lasted no more than 17 minutes before returning her to school.

My wife, who received the same note, was not feeling as snarky. She simply called the school and screamed at them, demanding that the absence be removed from her record.

I like your wife’s refreshingly straightforward style.

Yes. Could she call the White House next and demand they remove the idiots?