SCOTUS under Trump

It took literally 5 seconds to find this.

Five seconds later got me this:

You kind of made my point for me. Both letters are phrased in a way that carefully avoid a specific promise. Neither one says, “Do this, or we will reduce your grade to F”. They are both to the effect of, “Do this, or we will consider this in the future when we issue our grading in the future.” Why beat around the bush?


The Club for Growth example is particularly irrelevant. They want candidates to refrain from endorsing Trump. But endorsement is not an official act, so it cannot be subject to bribery.

That’s making lemonade from lemons. This kind of threat is routine. Why not spend some time looking into it (which you clearly didn’t) before making broad pronouncements about it?

If it is routine, then surely you can find an example that actually contradicts me.

The first example does contradict you. Why not do your own search? I can’t be bothered to accommodate your shifting goalposts.

It is simply insane to suggest that the public can not tell its representatives what they will do if they don’t represent them how they would like.


Conversely, I’m perfectly free to tell my representative that I will donate to his or her campaign if he/she represents me how I would like.

You mean the NRA letter that reminded legislators that they would be reviewed in the future? And that they were changing their review criteria? But didn’t actually promise anyone any specific thing? No, that doesn’t count for precisely the reason I discussed above.

Go ahead and find another example of someone promising $X before a vote, if you think this is routine.

The actual punishable crime is so narrow as to be virtually unenforcable, for exactly the reasons magnet is explaining. Bribery is essentially fine, as long as it’s limited to a wink and a nudge, and you don’t say, “if you vote like this you will get money.”

If you tell your representative, “If you vote Yes on this upcoming bill then I will donate $1000 to your campaign”, you are breaking the law and it’s not even controversial.

Funny how that’s exactly what has been driving money into politics for decades, and yet this one is wrong.

You have to draw the line somewhere.

And honestly I don’t think it’s that confusing. Specifics matter, all the time. There is a huge legal difference between saying “I would love to find someone who could mow my lawn” and “I will pay you $50 to mow my lawn next Saturday”. The former could never get you into legal trouble, the latter might.

This correct. A lot of people think it sucks and we all know what it really means, but this why we have courts, judges, and lawyers. What seems logical and intuitive to the layman is not always enforceable.

Yet lawyers quoted in the article disagree with your view. Maybe it’s a bit more complicated.

Trump threatened GOP members of Congress to vote for the ACA repeal bill or he would endorse their primary opponents. That’s a thing of value (his endorsement) in exchange for an official act. Bribery?

We Will Replace You, a leftist group, threatened blue dog Senators with primary campaigns if they did not e.g. vote against every Trump nominee. That’s a thing of value (no primary opponent) in exchange for an official act. Bribery?

I was responding to Banzai, who referred to run-of-the - mill advocacy.

With regards to Collins, ie donating to an opponent, the matter is indeed complicated. Lawyers have weighed in on both sides. Like I said, it’s an interesting question and we’ll see how it shakes out. Anyone who thinks it’s a foregone conclusion, on either side, is kidding themselves.

LOL, your argument amounts to “Trump did it so it must be legal.”

Really? I thought those were examples which fit your frame, and offered them for you to consider and respond to.

I’m prety sure it’s bribery all the way down and has been for decades. It’s just lip service to the letter of the law, not to the ethical question of quid pro quo. We seem to have been fine with it when it was ‘hidden’ by a thin veneer of basically nothing, so why the big deal over this one? Business as usual, just that now it’s the actual voters holding their representatives feet to the fire, rather than businesses and PACs, and the reps don’t appear to like being told what to do by their constituents. Poor reps.

I’m fine with getting bribes out of politics, but as long as it’s there, it should be free game for anyone.

Basically my feelings on this. There is no meaningful limitations on the wealthy or corporations here. And they can coordinate and do things in ways that the average voter can not.

Or do you think that the NRA people didn’t use back channels to explicitly state that they would be punished/ rewarded for voting on certain bills in a specific manner? I am 100% confident that any leveragable rep who was considering voting to their displeasure got the message loud and clear.

But here, with actual voters banding together to hold a person responsible for their representation? Now this is unacceptable? Fuck that. How else, pray tell, would you suggest that the voters voice their collective displeasure?

I don’t know, but for fuck’s sake please be civil about it!!

I’m pretty sure you can’t say, “Man, I would be really grateful if someone just killed my husband. I’ve got a fairly big insurance payment coming if he dies…”

Or to use your extortion analogy, what if you said, “Well, I’ve never called the cops on a party I was attending, but I have been known to call them about parties that get too loud…” it’s basically, “Nice party you’ve got here, would be a shame if someone called the cops…” The idea that you have to explicitly promise specific dollar values or explicit actions is incorrect. You can imply threats or bribes and still be doing something illegal.

“Will no one rid me of this troublesome argument?”