Scream - (2022) It's Scream 5

Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, and David Arquette join a new group of hip youngsters and Ghostface.

“Something about this one just feels different.”


I just read Stephen Graham Jones’s My Heart is a Chainsaw, which makes extensive references to Scream. I think I might have to rewatch the series in prep for this one.

Also, Jack Quaid!

January release doesn’t scream confidence, but maybe that matters less now.

I didn’t realize how much nostalgia I had for the Scream franchise until reading Chainsaw. I’m down for another entry.

One of my favorite ASMRtists got an official sponsorship for this film.

Terrible. Well, about on par with the previous entry. So, terrible.

David Arquette is breathing a sigh of relief.

The kills themselves are more violent and graphic than the other movies, but the killer’s motivation is the dumbest of all. The dialogue is also a lot less clever.

Being meta and then pointing out how meta it all is for an added layer of meta doesn’t give you a free pass to just regurgitate scenes from better installments.

Ha ha, you saw the Scream reboot!

I honestly couldn’t tell if the movie was just that bad, or if I simply haven’t been a Scream fan all along and this was just another data point in that fact. But it all felt so…sad and desperate. Like rather than poking fun at Babadook and The Witch and It Follows, it was petulant and jealous of their success, of how they’re taken seriously. This whole movie felt like a sullen teenager kicking the ground and muttering about how he didn’t want to be in the cool kids’ club anyway.


Yup. That first conversation between the killer and the girl when they name-dropped It Follows and The Babadook was painfully desperate sounding.