Sean Spicer is the best Press Secretary in history. PERIOD.

Hopefully they’ll call Melissa McCarthy instead.

Only if she can bring the props and mobile podium.

Maybe they can get this guy:

No one is exactly sure what Spicer is doing these days at the White House; he quit five weeks ago but is still there while negotiating his next gig and meeting with TV networks, while staying on the payroll.

When you fire yourself, but you still go to job every day,because they give you free internet.

Also, since Don-Don kept him from seeing the Pope, he apparently took care of that himself now.

“Look, your job as press secretary is to represent the president’s voice,” Spicer replied, “and to make sure that you are articulating what he believes, [what] his vision is on policy, on issues and on other areas that he wants to articulate. Whether or not you agree or not isn’t your job.”

The key phrase here is “other areas.” On policy matters, Spicer is certainly correct. No two people will agree on policy 100 percent of the time, but a good spokesman sets aside his own opinion and publicly represents the view of his boss.

But do “other areas” include matters of fact? Whether Trump’s crowd was the biggest ever is not a matter of opinion. It is objectively true or false — and it happens to be false.

What Spicer is saying here is that he believes his job was not merely to defend political decisions with which he disagreed but to make false statements, if asked to do so by the president.

These guys don’t get to be cute on talk shows, IMO. He stood up ex cathedra presidentis and announced a preposterous lie about the inaugural crowd size. He showed himself in that moment to have all the moral worth of that Iraqi minister everybody memes. Given a choice between his boss’s fragile ego/reality-distortion field and actual, verifiable fact, Spicer chose Door #1.

Fuck him in the ear. Fuck him in the other ear. I like Kimmel well enough, but these assholes should all be run out of town on a rail, not doing the talk show circuit.

I think the SNL portrayal basically rendered him harmless in many people’s eyes. So he’s thought of as an innocent mascot now instead of the total shitbag he truly is.

Burn Hollywood burn.

Thanks, I retweeted that.

Some of us work there :(

Sucks to be collateral damage, but Spicer wasn’t absolved of his sins the moment he quit and quite frankly watching that **** Corden buddying up to him in that luvvie fashion makes me want to vomit with rage.

Lie through your teeth as a pre-eminent spokesperson for the country for six months, quit, then go on a (paid)
speaking/appearance tour. America - working as intended.

Two more from the Gruinard.

Those celebrity vermin should pay for this, vacuous selfish ****s, the lot of them.

Spicer and Lewandowski will be fellows at Harvard, never mind their volitional submission to someone whose lack of character, grace and basic maturity was just affirmed anew by his retweet of a video of him hitting a golf ball into Hillary Clinton and knocking her over.

They rescinded a fellowship to Chelsea Manning* and their acceptance of Michelle Jones (the latter they admit because they were afraid of right wing reaction.) *There is no shortage of people on the left who think that was the correct decision. I honestly don’t know, but hiring Spicer and Lewandowski clearly is some lame effort at shedding the “eastern liberal elite” epithet. RWM wins, again.
Another Spicer rant, this from Dave Roberts.(I love Roberts - he articulates exactly how I feel.)
It’s a tweetstorm. (For the get off my lawn gnomes, I translated it below.)

During the GW Bush admin, I used to frequently think, “well, at least this will discredit the modern GOP for a generation.” “There’s no way the American people will soon forget or forgive this utter omnishambles. We had to experience it to really understand.” I was wildly naive & optimistic about that. The Bush disaster was flushed down the memory hole almost immediately. Eight f’ing years of grinding mendacity, venality, cruelty, corruption, failure, incompetence, delusion – just vanished w/out a trace. With the “Tea Party,” US political & media elites agreed that the right got a do-over. “Hey, we re-discovered our principles!”
“Oh, OK.”

The towering mountain of Bush-era failure was never held against the right. Their critiques of Obama were accepted at face value. They were allowed to pretend that they care about legislative procedure, or the deficit, or transparency, or dignity in office. They were allowed to pretend, even though the previous years had demonstrated w/ painful clarity that those principles were HOLLOW.

Now here they are, back in power. Corruption is back. Transparency & dignity are long gone. No one cares about the deficit (except Dems). Every single principle that allegedly fueled the right’s opposition to Obama has been exposed as purely instrumental, a convenient tool. The pivot from principle to utter instrumentalism & corruption was dizzyingly fast & complete this time. Like f’ing performance art.

So this time, we’ll remember, right? Now that they have repeated the lesson in the ugliest, most brutal way possible … … we’ll remember what the modern GOP truly is, the face it shows in power. No way they’ll be allowed to get away this time, right? Ha ha. Witness Spicer at the Emmys. The forgiveness & rehabilitation of these empty-souled liars has already begun. The drive to normalize is structural & deep in DC. It’s just what happens, unless there’s active resistance. Trump himself will be cast out, of course. He’s so gauche. But the men in suits who surrounded & enabled him? They’ll skate. Easy. If you’re thinking, “this is SO bad, SO obviously evil, that the normal rules will be suspended & there will be consequences” … well, enjoy being young. All of DC is a machine designed to wash the shit off men in suits. It’ll wash this off too. And in the 2024 election, Rs will rediscover their principles & resume preaching about the deficit, dignity, & proper procedure … And the media will take them seriously. That’s just how this works.

One more!