Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

This was a good bit, when they chair tried to hold him in contempt, and wouldn’t let him consult the FBI lawyer who was there, who was specifically there for him to consult with, since he is an FBI agent.

I read Breitbart comment tary after the GOP rep asked about how he lied to his wife… Suffice to say there was a lot of high fiving about that and how the GOP we’re the heroes of the day.

His facial expressions are priceless.

Listening to it just infuriates me even more about how shitty the Republican party is. What a horrific den of absolute shit and filth.

Like the cowards that they are, they will, as a group, attack others. They will support each other. They will pile on. But like the cowards that they are, it takes just one strong individual to show them for what they are. Weak scum.

Certainly at Fox, and we know that 30-something percent of the electorate will not look any further:

Gohmert blasts 'smirking' Strzok, asks about infidelity at explosive hearing

Fireworks at Strzok hearing as GOP reps fume at anti-Trump FBI agent, threaten contempt

The stuff in this box doesn’t word-wrap on mobile. Makes it hard to read.


There’s no functional difference between Trump and a russian agent. He’s a traitor to our country.

Yes, Trump is doing what is likely irreparable harm to our nation. While it will likely not lead to the total collapse of our government institutions, it will almost certainly lead to a permanent degradation of our position on the world stage.

This whole Trump-Russia thing is a real pisser, I tell ya.

Huh, kind of surprised at the results, given it was on Fox. Not to mention that there wasn’t a “investigation is corrupt” option.

Trigger has previously suggested that Fox’s polling folks are not idiots.

I was thinking of a call-in, but I suppose it was a conventional poll.

I swear if one person so much as breathes ‘this is taking too long and a witch hunt’ or anything similar near me, I will carve Benghazi into a motherfuckers forehead

I’m surprised it was phrased with “Do it right” in one of the options, instead of “take your time” vs “wrap it up.”

Remember to carve it backwards so they can read it in the mirror. You know, like ƎƆИA⅃UBMA.