Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

I’m in there too, though I left long before they did.

Iraq was my break point.

Edit: Well, Iraq and Jesus, ironically.

I’ve raised this question before, but in light of this press conference and just how things are going, how likely are we to have free and fair elections in 2018 and 2020? I’m not being hyperbolic here, it’s a real request for information on how this goes. With Republicans controlling all branches of the Federal government, what are our country’s defenses like in stopping them from manipulating (or allowing the manipulation of) a handful of key elections/states?

I won’t be completely surprised at all if the Democrats don’t take the House back, due to Russian interference and/or GOP voting suppression/Gerrymandering/etc.

It sounds like the US has done absolutely nothing to protect the 2018 elections so it’ll come down to the Democrats getting enough voters to the polls to offset everything.

I believe elections are controlled at the local level. There should be some insulation due to that. Clearly there is vote suppression going on and I wouldn’t be surprised to see some voter intimidation go on as well.

My fear is the electronic voting. It seems that could so easily be manipulated.

Editor of the National Review.

I think very unlikely. We already know that the Russian’s are performing the same cyber-attacks for the mid-terms. I wouldn’t be even the slightest bit surprised if we have direct vote hacking.

As for 2020, even more unlikely. Imagine what lengths Trump will go to to rig the election in 2020. Hell, even if the election were fair and he lost, imagine what shenanigans would ensure between the election and the inauguration.

What a start to Infrastructure Week!

Even if you’re pro-Trump this submissive beta performance by Trump should be infuriating.

its okay to be cucked by daddy putin cuz he wrestles tigers and rides horses cuz hes a real man daddyyyyy

Get cucked to own the libs.

Get cucked to cuck the libcucks.

It’s Cuckception, by Pepe Pictures (((Unltd))). Coming to theaters nationwide August 8, special preview showings begin at 14:00EST sharp.

Fuck the National Review – after their big ‘Against Trump’ cover story during the campaign they’ve been creepingly normalizing him and busily compartmentalizing all his craziness into a ‘foul mouthed tweets’ box separate from his policies.

I have trouble listening to Left Right & Center anymore (formerly one of my favorite radio shows/podcasts) because I can’t listen to Rich Lowry carry-not-carry water for the guy.

There is literally nothing Trump can wrong do in their eyes.

Except maybe, just maybe, be less mean to immigrants. That gets Ann Coulter smoldering, anyway.

Have I said fuck Joe Walsh lately?

This is a polite family-friendly forum, Rich. Go Walsh your potty mouth out!

As soon as I can stop grinding my teeth.

Graham: “Trump’s cock is still delicious.”