Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

This is a frighteningly accurate description of the emotion in my heart after watching this.

I suppose the point is that building a cathedral usually takes centuries, but one can be destroyed in a day.

And they’re generally beautiful things that give people hope.

My wife grew up in communist China. November will be her first opportunity to vote, ever. And she won’t do it, because “Democrats want open borders.” Any extemporizing on my part is falling on deaf ears. Helsinki doesn’t move any needles. She had to immigrate the right way, she’s heard the sound bites, and nothing can change her mind. Russia - not a threat if you come from China. I’m mortified.

On this segment, they interview somebody who fits the description of your wife.

My Black Republican friend who has been blaming the Democrats all week for Trump (who he literally voted for, but somehow it’s not his fault), hasn’t said SHIT all day.

I guess he’s awaiting talking points from the NRA or something, but they’re busy what with aiding the Russian spy and all.

It’s a very strange day to observe for someone sitting on the other side of the world.

Unlike most of you, US security interests mean very little to me (not in the sense that I don’t care if bad things happen, but I don’t have a personal stake and my main interest is the world’s security interests), and I don’t have any respect for the U.S. intelligence community or the pentagon. Seeing politicians rail against these things are usually something that I lap up, not decry as treasonous (which used to be what right-wingers do all the time).

Trump being the Chump of North Korea and Russia probably will decrease the possibility of nuclear war in the short term, at least relative to 2017 Trump who was saying “fire and brimstone”, “we shouldn’t be afraid of using Nukes”, etc. in a very casual manner. Trump the Chump is probably safer for the survival of the species than Trump the insane lunatic with a finger on the button whenever someone insults his hair.

Yet it likely also ushers the near-permanent decline of democracies being the predominant form of human organization, and when that happens the longer term outlook looks very grim. So please, US friends, keep the rage up and get rid of the guy.

Also, if anyone feels like they start to miss even GWB please don’t, until Trump also kills over a hundred thousand innocent people there’s still no contest.

Can’t forget this one:

On an unknown date, the President said "You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

But of course they are one and the same person, and quite indivisible.

Trump the insane lunatic isn’t gone. He’s just resting. It’s just that when he comes back, he’s now as likely to blow you to smithereens as North Korea. Because unless you’re living in a country run by a nice strong dictator that impresses him, you’re now the enemy.

Sleep well.

One denotes some doubt for his intentions; “Oh, he might not be doing all those things if he wasn’t being forced to.” The other grants no such grace.

Which has been Putin’s primary motivation the whole time. He doesn’t give a shit what happens in America except in so far as we diminish and Westrrn democracy as a whole is diminished with (or because of) us.

I wonder what the hell China must be thinking, because it’s blatantly obvious to the world that Shitgibbon is sucking Putin’s staff, which basically makes the US a Russia proxy.

“Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.”

Today, in Washington, Donald Trump did not eat a live human baby during a televised press conference.

On December 15th 2017 Trump said, “I love human babies and would never want to eat one.”

On March 5th 2018 Trump said, “Babies don’t taste good and prople definitely shouldn’t eat them, especially when they are alive.”

On July 4th Trump said “который хочет оценить вкуснейших младенцев. Определенно не я.”

That’s ridiculous of course. Trump would never hold a press conference in Washington