Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

Another reason he is going after Ohr

We all knew that following the money would get us somewhere. Only Rudy could spin an illegal donation to Trump inauguration campaign as big nothing. Even one of Trump’s supporters on CNN wouldn’t go that far.
Although he did say, there was still no evidence of collusion.

I wonder how much the Russian’s paid Trump, if it isn’t anything less than $100 million, I’m going to be pretty damn pissed :-)

Jack Bryan Discusses His Documentary “Active Measures”

“I would like my new name to be Jessica Anne Bond, in place of my present name,” she said in the legal filing.
She told The Post she’s seeking the name change “to separate myself and my work from a public perception that has nothing to do with the person that I am.”

When asked about the prospective name change in July, Manafort told the Los Angeles Times, “I am a passionate liberal and a registered Democrat and this has been difficult for me. Although I am ‘the daughter of,’ I am very much my own person and hopefully people can realize that.”

Her sense of self was shaken, not stirred.

Lol, nice.

I remember when her father was out on bond. Screwed that one up too.

Their attempt to secure the fuel deal illustrates a reality that investigators have had to navigate in bringing a federal case against Ms. Butina. During her time in the United States, she surrounded herself not only with high-profile American conservatives but also with dubious characters who seemed bent on making a fast buck — and it was not always easy to tell one from the other.

Bond is her mother Kathleen’s maiden name, which the daughter feels “more closely suits [her] profession,” she wrote in court papers.

Is she… A spy?

Worse: Bail Bonds magnate!

No. Just into Bondage.

Ionic or covalent?


[Malory Archer] Did you at least get a receipt?!? [/Malory Archer]

Anyway, I guess this is just locker room blackmail:

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said that the administration may claim executive privilege to block Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein from releasing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report when the investigation is finished, according to a New Yorker report.

Giuliani claims that President Donald Trump’s original legal team—which has undergone many mutations since—cut a deal with Mueller that that the White House can object to public dissemination of information from the probe on the grounds of executive privilege.

When asked if the White House is likely to invoke this clause, Giuliani was frank: “I’m sure we will.”

Their source is this New Yorker article:

You know what they say about a stopped clock…

Let’s take it apart and then throw the parts away?

Yeah, I think I like that version better.

Trump claims he has 100 pictures of Comey and Mueller hugging and kissing.