Secret CIA source claims Russia rigged 2016 election

Wohl went to the effort to set up a fake “intelligence agency” to spread this story… and then not only used his mom’s phone number, but also his own photo on its web site (as well as random photos from the Internet, including Cristoph Walz’s.)

Yep, a Burn After Reading rewatch is required.

This feels like a pawn capturing a pawn, honestly.

The Christopher waltz one is amazing.

Wohl is very fortunate not to be in prison already for the fake hedge fund thing.

You guys are laughing at these idiots, but do you know what’s going to happen? The Trumpistas will just run with the original accusation and claim that Soros and Hillary Clinton used their FBI people to cover up the Mueller affairs and frame the fine folks at Surefire. These people believe a caravan of poor people fleeing South America is cover for an invasion force.

Yep! And Trump will gain more support. Because nothing matters.

Simon Frick might have something to say about that.

This was so stupidly done, top-to-bottom, that I don’t think anyone but the fringiest fringe is going to be falling for it.

Nah, they think the poor people ARE the invasion force.

So… Trump’s base?

Like, a third, maybe half of that base.

Wohl is such a fucking idiot

I mean, sure. But at this point literally anything at all that happens will be used by Trump supporters to promote their guy and rail against the eeeeevil news media.

Trump could vomit on the Pope, fall down the stairs, and shit himself, all on live TV, and his supporters would claim it was all part of his brilliant strategy to control the news cycle and own the libs. (And if that didn’t play they’d claim it was all the fault of the eeeeevil news media for being so unfair to Dear Leader.)

Liars and idiots are gonna keep on being liars and idiots. All we can do is point out the lies and idiocy to the people who aren’t liars and idiots.

the thing about Wohl isn’t that he’s an incredible idiot, it’s that he’s such an idiot that even other fringey conspiracy peddlers find him un-useful and awful. For them, he undermines any of the remotest shreds of dignity that a fellow group of idiots like Project Veritas has managed to muster, for instance.

This wohl thing is going to be amazing.

It’s already amazing.

You guys saw the umbrella thing, right? You did, right?

When Gateway Pundit gives you the “Uh, nope.” treatment, things have really fallen apart.