Seedship - browser game

First effort:

Planet Eden
Atmosphere: Breathable
Gravity: Moderate
Temperature: Moderate
Water: Oceans
Resources: Rich

Outstanding beauty
Edible plants

Eden’s alien forests stretch away beneath a blue sky. The colonists live in wandering hunter-gatherer tribes beneath the planet’s open sky, beside rivers that flow into the planet’s oceans. Much of the tribes’ resources are devoted to fighting continual wars with one another. In the ruins of the first city stand monuments to the 515 colonists who did not survive the journey and the seedship AI that guided humanity to its new home.

Planet atmosphere: 500
Planet gravity: 500
Planet temperature: 500
Planet water: 500
Planet resources: 500
Survivors after landing: 485
Survivors after settlement construction: 485
Final technology level (Pre-Stone Age): 0
Final culture (Warring Tribes): 500
Surviving cultural database × 10: 170
Total: 4140

Even though they devolved into warring tribal factions, I still put them on a beautiful planet and hope for the next 10,000 years.