Sega Forever, mobile re-releases

What, no Warrior of the Eternal Sun or Shining Forces? Well, I guess I can wait.

Wow, that takes me back - a friend of mine in college had that and I think we spent an entire lazy Saturday playing that game. I remember when I could do stuff like that.

I didn’t know that either. How is it with a touch screen?

Bad news from Eurogamer, sounds like the Unity-based emulator is garbage:

That’s only the tip of the iceberg, however, as there’s a much bigger problem with this Sega Forever line-up: these ports offer significantly worse performance than that of their older versions, even on more modern hardware.

Allegedly this is because these retro classics were ported over in Unity. Our Digital Foundry tech aficionado John Linneman said “Do not touch those Sega Forever games,” noting that they’re “lousy emulation in a Unity wrapper.”

Emphasis mine. 😥

We’ll see in time, but I played a bit of Sonic, and it worked fine. Seemed smooth, crisp, and controlled well. I dunno, maybe the others are terrible, I’ll give Phantasy Star a look see later.

Phantasy Star seems fine to me, but then it was never really about performance either.

For the record, since it may be relevant, I am using an iPhone 6s.

Kid Chameleon seems fine, though the ads are a bit more prominent (there is a required ad watch to save, but I didn’t pay so can’t complain). It’s a bit trickier to control because the game is a little more complex, but the setup seems fine.

Phantasy Star seems to have the same emulation as Kid Chameleon, and same ad system. Which are notably distinct from Sonic. It also, at first glance, seems smooth and playable.

Not going to argue about performance, I wasn’t tracking framerate, but it seems good. And a word of note the article seems to source those complaints from an alternative engine developer, one whom it seems had a negative experience with Sega. So how much is them being sore about being asked to switch from a GPL license to MIT, which they have every reason to take issue with if they feel it important, and how much is widespread performance issues, I can not say.

But other Qt3ers I wouldn’t let it steer you away if you have the itch! Give it a try.

I will probably get Phantasy Star 2 - I have played that at least a half dozen times over the years but never finished it.

Mind boggling that Sega doesn’t release Phantasy Star 5. At the very least, they should port PS 4 to phones as it aged the best of those games.