Isn’t this sweet. He married the woman who is about to have his third child. Also, he is selling the rights to pics from the hush-hush ceremony to a magazine. How romantic. Just trying to make ends meet, I guess. I can empathize as I know how hard it is to get a family started, especially when you already have 2 little bastards (literally) running around. And the cost of living in L.A. for poor Shaq and his brood must be astronomical.
If it had not been such a secret, they could have had a dual ceremony. A reception after the wedding that could double as a wake for the Lakers supposed dynasty. :twisted:
I liked him at LSU and when he first came into the league, but hearing him interviewed where he purposely sounds like a disinterested, slightly higher-voiced version of Lurch and then raps as almost a different person with a different voice and near schizophrenic personality. Blech! Poor Anfernee Hardaway took way too much heat for Orlando’s lack of success and it ruined him and he was traded and I don’t know where the hell he is now. The worst is Shaq’s company: TWISM or This World is Mine. That name says it all for me about his mindset. Plus, I know it is hard for the referees to call games he is in because of his size, but, like Karl Malone, I think he gets away with more than he is given.
Michael Jordan, greatest of all time in IMO, would not have achieved what he did without Phil Jackson. Same with Shaq. Shaq acts like the Lakers revolve around him as did Michael w/ the Bulls. However, Michael was an extension of Phil on the court plus a master motivator with his teammates. Shaq is just a big, albeit talented and gifted, bulldozer. Not really guiding anyone, but himself. W/o Kobi, Shaq would be another Patrick Ewing. A big oaf never to win a ring. I believe with another talented big man and Kobi the Lakers could have had just as much success. Shaq and no Kobi would not have had near the same results. Shaq seems to believe otherwise.
Wow! I do sound bitter. I really could not care less about his personal life. It was just a good opening to trash a player I no longer care for and who’s attitude, I think, sucks.
People are frequently under either the misunderstanding or the misplaced hope that celebrities are better than “normal people”.
The truth is, they are just as stupid and pathetic as those normal people. They have whatever talent enabled their celebrity but otherwise ARE normal people, but since they place all of their ego inside their talent they easily deceive themselves.
what, being born with the genes that make you 7’1" and 335lbs is a talent? if he had talent, he would be shooting above .535 lifetime for freethrows.
Shaq is one reason that the NBA has become so boring. no-talent space-hogs who are allowed to bump-n-thrash their way to the hole, rather than player with some actual skills like dribbling, passing, and oh yeah, shooting.
There are plenty of non-sports stars who live with their girlfriends and even gasp have kids with them before they get married. Why are you holding Shaq up to a higher standard?
Eh. I am not really. I just don’t like him as a player and decided to rag on him about his personal life, too. Isn’t that what this forum is for? Making fun of those more fortunate than me while pretending it is his performance which I think is poor rather than my own jealousy and/or envy.
Anyone catch that Shaq Vs. tv show? Missed the football part, the tennis part was weak but the volleyball was good. It wasn’t just some celebrity get together for the cameras either, it was pretty competitive(even if they were relaxed with the rules for Shaq).
Celebrities are just normal people, warts and all, whose careers take them into the limelight. There’s no bigger reason to take a dump on them when they’re down than anyone else, save that you’re just taking a dump on a more recognisable person.
Politicians who trump their self-styled high moral standards, on the other hand…
What an awesome resurection! I watched the first episode with Shaq playing football against the most overated QB to win the SB since, I dunno, Phil Simms maybe? No, Simms was better than Ben.
Any way, it was a great show, Shaq is so full of false bravado, so self deprecating if you get him, he’s making fun of his own awesomeness…I used to dislike him, now I like him, and I started liking him way before this show aired…
Can’t wait to see how Tyjenks reacts when he reads his posts from seven years ago and compares them to how he feels today…