Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor for DS

SRPG + RPG hybrid. Releases in June, I take it since they don’t mention anything about worldwide release that DS title releases work differently (Apart from being region free)?

Crap! I SSOOOO don’t need more DS games right now. Damn you, LK!

Looking forward to this. Have missed my SMT fix since relegating the PS2 to the basement with its old Guitar Hero apparatus.

I know what you mean. I have like 6 DS releases from the last year and a half that I’ve barely touched, stacked next to my two DSes and assorted peripherals. And this one will surely be added to the pile.

I’m in the same boat with the DS, but I’ll happily bump everything else down one spot in my queue for a Megaten game.

Damn, not another fun game I’ll never have time for, but still will tear off the shelf :(

That and Dokapon Journey both fill me with joy and excitement.

There is a three page preview of this in this month’s NP. According to the preview, battles should take 10-15 minutes. Each person can summon up to two demons and the group of 3 becomes one attack unit on the map making fights 3on3 I think.

I just jizzed in my pants.

Mentioned in the PSP thread: PSP remake of original Persona. Magazine scans here, official Japanese site here.

I don’t think it’s a remake. It’s just a port with a bit of extra content.

And a new translation. Like Final Fantasy Tactics, that is likely to be worth the price of admission right there.

(Also, like Final Fantasy Tactics but more so, the original PS1 version is a bitch to find, especially at a reasonable price.)

Whatever - to-may-to, to-mah-to.

So anyone have a good review of Devil Survivor or impressions they can point me to?

Game Informer likes it but I’ve found them a dubious source in the past.

Doesn’t release in the US until next week.

Metacritic Reviews

Looks good! I’m really looking forward to this.

My copy shipped today.

Holy crap is this game good so far.

This may be destined to be a DS classic. Everything about it is just pure polish.

Great mix of SRPG and Wizardry/Dragon Quest combat, amazing music, great art and visuals, good writing, engaging story…

Get this game!

Ug. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to write this one off.

Definitely going to try this out when I get five minutes. I do love my JRPGs - although admittedly that’s tempered by a general loathing of the main SMT series, because I’m mad, so I don’t have too high hopes for this. Loved a load of the side games (Persona, et al) though, so who knows.