Shin Megami Tensei V: Grindy Pokémon with Demons

Are the miman spots blindingly obvious or fiendishly hidden? I got the reveal all miman fox and i’m trying to go through the map and get all the glory. Urgh!!

They’re mostly tucked away around blind corners or on ledges, so I’d say they’re easy to miss, but not fiendishly hidden. FWIW, I tried to explore reasonably thoroughly as I went through, and probably found 3/4 of the ones in the first area before paying the fox demon to mark the rest on the map.

This was my experience as well. There are a lot of them, so it’s easy to find some, and then the fox guy is a nice way to finish up the ones you missed. I went back to the first area and picked the rest of the ones I did miss (shaking my head at some that I must have passed dozens of times) in about 15 minutes, easy as pie and lucrative to boot.

I like that they are worth 6 glory in the next area!

I found it! It was the same area as a mermaid quest I could not reach


The special fusion you get for completing that quest line has a great unique ice skill. She became one of my favorite demons that I’m just now sadly starting to out level.

Question… do you guys unlock all a demon’s skills before fusing it?

Unless it’s really good doesn’t seem to be worth it, as the higher tier demons often have better skills

Cheers, that makes sense.

I guess I was thinking maybe the fourth skill someone gets I could possibly want to transfer, but yeah, I suppose it’s only a temporary thing until the new guy levels up anyway.

Early on you want a team that can cover every element. This is so you can farm those special teardrop guys.

My friend says there’s a DLC that highlights all the blue teardrops on the map, those drop glory.

I usually wait until they learn all their skills unless I’m in a hurry to fuse into something else or get rid of it. Pretty early in the game, you can buy an ability that gives stat and exp boosts to new demons based on the level of the ones you are using to create it. And keep in mind you might end up using one from the compendium unexpectedly eventually and that extra point or two from being a higher level is nice. Of course, that makes them more expensive to purchase for reverse compendium fusions, but macca’s not a huge concern past the first few hours.

This game is legitimately great. I usually get burned out on games around the 20–25-hour mark, but I’ve well blew past that with it. It’s looking like I might even finish it, which is very rare for me (and leaves me a nice buffer between finishing SMTV and starting Dungeon Encounters over the winter holidays).

I’m hoping there’s some sort of endgame breakdown about which demons I used the most, but it doesn’t seem like there is going to be. You can look at your compendium, but since your bench demons gain EXP too, it’s not a great gauge on actual usage.

Woah! This is a freaking casual game now!

I like to spend about 50 hours in my Megatens, the time to get to the part where there aren’t really much more summons to look forward to. Then I shelve them.

For the first half of the game or so, they only get a small % of the XP you earn, but there is an upgrade you can spend precious Glory on that gives them the full amount (or close to it). This becomes very critical as the later fights I’m juggling my team a LOT more than I did early on. The combat gets really layered and complex (on Normal still) with quite a few encounters featuring a variety of enemies with different offense skills worth being afraid of, and weaknesses that it’s hard to have more than one or two options to deal with at any given time.

This is where I’m at, just at the start of the third area (act?) and I’m super jazzed to play more when I get off work. I am level 40 or 41 and I love how many (very cool) demons there are to fuse/create/persuade and the essence system is a really fun way to craft solutions to problems*.

*Problems being super high end mini- and full-boss battles, but also just regular encounters at my level/area are proving to be quite challenging.

For the Da’at region there’s a place i could not reach for days. This is the solution

I wrapped this up a few weeks ago and generally really enjoyed it, but it’s not like my favorite franchise and I don’t feel the urge to play through the previous titles. Some of it was wildly frustrating - anything to do with traversing the environment and trying to get to where you wanted to go, like to collect a Glory node for example. I probably spent 20% of the game running around and back tracking. No grinding needed - you run into plenty of enemies just trying to figure out where to go next.

The looked and played great, had a fun story, and some really cool demons and designs. It also had some really dumb shit, as well. Some real JRPG/Japan stuff that didn’t land with me at all.

For example.

I assume the English subtitle would read something like “oh step brother, help me I’m stuck” or whatever.

Anyway, I wasn’t in for some of what the game (and I assume the franchise) has to offer, but it did do for me what I had hoped last year Pokemon would do - it was fun to collect demons and fuse them to make more powerful demons, though disappointingly the demons you create from fusing are just the more powerful demons you also start encountering out in the wild, so the benefits to fusing are higher level/better stat versions of those.

Good combat, lots of interesting systems and mechanics there, which is why I ended playing for the 40+ hour long campaign. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel the urge to jump back in and play it again, though. Maybe some day.

Yeah, this bugs me too. The third area in particular is horrible for this, made worse by the game’s use of invisible barriers and such. Even beyond navigation, the area design is the game’s major flaw. It seems each one is less interesting and less well designed than the previous one. The Castle is at least easier to navigate than the third area, but it’s so boring.

In the first game, Mara was not as rich.


He got his golden wheels in 2. I have a fondness for the original one.

I picked this a few weeks ago, as my virtual friend BillBull decided to start playing the NES fantranslation of Digital Devil Monogatari Megami Tensei.

After over 30 hours of mild fun, I’m done with it for a number of reasons.
The game got nice looking monsters, although they are fairly unequal in their treatment. The soundtrack is pretty darn good.

On the neutral track, I didn’t mind the bland cast of characters.

Now my issues are many. First and foremost, the basic structure. Dungeons are gone, and being asked to just venture the same desolated wasteland over and over to collect Ubicrap or proceed to the next dot on the map just aggravates it.
Next is the balance. The demon mixing is so convenient, with so many tools given to the players (items that negate whole pan of the damage tree, skills a-la-carte you can put on any demon, an item that reveals not only the weakness of the boss, but all of its attacks!!) that there is absolutely zero challenge. Nitch, nada, que pouic, rien, nib, zero. You’re God, period.
And something which really, really killed it for me for the predictivity. Demon talk, one of the funniest element of the whole series, has been destroyed to make it easy to recruit any monsters following the exact same pattern.

Final Fantasy X is a far superior game, @Rock8man was right to ask me to keep going at it.

I just got really annoyed at the overland maps. Having to explore to find the next point is just something I dislike doing. Same reason I disliked the open world change to Mount and Blade. I liked going into town and clicking on an icon to go to the next building. I do not like having to wander around finding the next building. It is a waste of time.