Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)


Only one who has never competed against a border collie - at anything - would post such a meme… That dog is beating you at Monopoly sooo bad.


Paging @krayzkrok :)

BTW, this look familiar, KK?

[quote=“krayzkrok, post:1161, topic:76183, full:true”]
I met my future wife while catching crocodiles out in the field. I have this great picture (somewhere!) of her walking out of the water holding a rather large freshwater crocodile, huge grin on her face. That was the moment that I knew.[/quote]

That’s a great story but I assumed that is how all couples in Darwin meet and fall in love.

Although to be fair, Ireland’s always looked like a koala/drop bear to me:

Oof! I like it. But oof! That’s some chutzpah right there. I really admire how the whole thing works with the layout and the way you read it. The tag line pulls it all together.