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Awesome! I really need to watch that one again. Thou shalt count to…

Fancy menus piss me off.

Happy Alien Day everyone.

In a pinch you could kill intruders with that phone. Good times.

That phone looks high tech compared to what was at my grandparents house when I was growing up in the early 80’s.

The agony when you mis-dialed the last digit of the number, was real.

You and your fancy wall units.

Also you couldn’t remain friends with anyone who had too many 8’s, 9’s or 0’s in their number, especially near the end of it.

This little thread tangent reminds me of this bit:

Oh. And I need to post a picture. Hmm. So…


I had a black rotary stamped Bell Telephone in the entry hall of my old house. When we sold the house the new owners insisted that they keep it. Now I regret it. That phone was actually older than me.

This is my day summarized:

I remember when feet were 12 inches instead of 1.

I bet the old Westinghouse phones would continue to work for hundreds of years with no more maintenance than a bit of lubrication on the rotor switch every couple of decades.

I’m serious: I miss those phones. I loved the feel of the dial and the chunky form of the handset.

I miss the ability to slam the handset down. It was so therapeutic. Try doing that with your smart phone.