Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)

I can’t un-see this.

A single image, not two adjacent photos:

Now we know what traumatized Howard Philips in his childhood :O^tfw&

This could be cross-marketed:

My favorite reply in that thread.


I’ve done a lot of traveling and occasionally one thing or another has prevented my fellow passengers and me from getting off the plane, but never one quite like this in Fairbanks where my son lives:


Pilot: There will a delay in deplaning. Please bear with us. No seriously. Bear. With us.

Damn, I wish this forum had an “unlike” button.

Puns can be very Polarizing.

What’s the big deal. That’s clearly just somebody’s emotional support animal for the flight.


Edit: lots more from here:


That hit me right where I live, since i use a conference phone like that at least once a week.