Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)

I thought that was a Portal turret in the second image at first glance.

“Are you still there?”

That note should probably be on everything at all times. Most folks would ignore it though.

E: Immediately after post this I dropped all of my junior mints all over the fucking place, so I would be one of those needing to ignore those notes.

The bear taking that ramp is very close to where I live. I like to imagine he’s got a phone on his person (on his bearson?) and earbuds in and his GPS told him to take this ramp.

Oh. And I need to post a picture:


That’s a crazy picture!


Not Tiffany’s window:

You gotta wonder if they post another sign in the Fall, when it gets cooler.

I laughed out loud at those last two. What’s the ‘boob’ and ‘sock’ money thing about?

People who use their bosoms and socks as purses.

Have someone hand you wet dollar bills pulled from their bra and you will know exactly what its about.