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OOhh i will take a couple of those moron lamps!

I’m pretty sure I have Some Kind of Gauge in my glove compartment.

“Warning: Remove cats from room before painting.”

That’s good advice regardless.

Nah - it still went badly, even outdoors

My girlfriend:


That poor dog!

That poor dog sees all; knows all.

I’m afraid you are required to break up with her immediately.

She completed 66% of Cuphead with me co-op so she’s a keeper. A wrong keeper.

Overhand is clearly the only correct way. However, I give dispensation to cat owners to do it the wrong (underhand) way, because otherwise, I am told, the cats spin it all onto the floor.

They do. Little evil children have been known to do so as well. That and trailing it into the toilet to flush down the roll.


Have two year old, can confirm.

Have two cats, can also confirm.

That’s some next level shit.