Show us your un-GIF images and image macros (that are interesting)

An exchange between my daughter and I that I thought was pretty fun. I’m on the right, she’s on the left.

I got a good laugh out of that. Those eyes.


All this makes me think of is this:

Actually, it makes me think of the Steve Martin performance where he handles a heckler by saying this. But I cannot find a clip of that.

Oops. That’s not an un-Gif image! Hold on…


I like to reply to my daughter’s messages with images only. This one I’m particularly proud of.

I don’t know what part of a person’s body this is.

It’s a lower back per sources. That’s been going around a while. So, we get fun stuff like this:

Wrong thread, Rich! :P

Oops. Anyone else feel weird?

I figured it was just a un-GIF dressed up for Halloween.


Came out so much creepier than I imagined…

It’s perfect.

Sometimes you really need a hyphen.

Students get first-hand job experience.
Students get first hand-job experience.

Just make sure you know how to use that thing.