Siege of Centauri

When I played the first mission, I wasn’t sure if I could answer your question in a positive way. The first mission was straightforward TD, placing towers on plateaus as enemies creeped along their paths. Fair enough, it was introducing the basics.

As I’ve played farther into the game I am seeing Siege of Centauri lean more heavily into RTS design principles. The second mission opened up more towers (that includes a Scavenger module that collects metal from destroyed enemies to fund your economy and buildings) and also provided RTS-like units that you could summon onto the battlefield and control like a normal RTS. So you would be deciding on tower placement and also controlling units.

Then the third mission introduces fog of war which towers cannot see into or fire into. Most of the map is blanketed in darkness. You then need to use Orbital strikes (from Ashes) to push back some of the fog of war and then place towers that provide a sort of recon that keeps the fog pushed back so that other towers can operate normally. A second RTS-like field unit is introduced as well.

As one gets into later missions I can foresee all of these elements scaling up, becoming a game of spinning plates that leans slightly more into RTS game features.

Did everyone activate the game on Steam? I am getting a duplicate key message. I also try to download using the link on Stardock but also get an error.

Wrote to Stardock support and awaiting for their help but just curious if it has happened to anyone else.

I activated my key on Steam ok. Maybe there was a glitch in the key generation process? That’s a bummer but I’m sure Stardock will fix your issue.

I am not worried as the game and key appears on my Stardock account. Just seems weird to get a duplicate key from the Dev.

Played up to mission 8 today. I’ve enjoyed it so far, but the last TD I played is Defense Grid. I only played a tiny bit of that, so I don’t know how it compares to what is currently out there. I wonder if eventually the community will be able to add maps since there already is a map editor for Ashes. I’m not sure if it is normal for a TD to allow pausing or not, but that has been useful to get an initial look at the map. It will be interesting to see how it develops.

Thanks for the head’s up! Check your email, there should be a mailer in there explaining. :)

Hi geewhiz,

There was an error in key generation, and we are in the process of fixing that right now. If this happens to anyone else, please use the following link to place a ticket:

Please note what your order # is. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for supporting the game!


I’ve gotten three emails about the game and none of them say anything about an NDA, so not sure what you’re referring to.

I purchased a discrete Founders key for Siege recently and the email that delivered my Steam key included the NDA statement.

Perhaps that was accidentally omitted from emails sent to Ashes Founders?

The Game itself might need to include an NDA statement in the UI at startup?

Yeah, if those emails were meant to go out, I never got one. All three of mine are generic Stardock emails announcing the game or taking about the Centauri Founder’s program.

I’m not about to parade around footage of the game or anything, but that door is currently wide open to anyone else who didn’t get an email either.

I ♡ Milton.

I <3 overcharged Minos Cannons. Absolutely hilarious.

Yeah, minos cannons with a smattering of arc projectors to clean up trash have been doing most of the damage for me.

I’m not sure if it was a one-off bug or what, but I was able to get a Minos Cannon with a reload time of -800 seconds through Overcharge. I didn’t think that happened the first time I overcharged one, but it basically turned into an infinite rate-of-fire murder machine that put Milton to shame.

Sounds like a bug, It should only increase rate of fire by 4x I think. Heh, that would be funny to watch.

Early Access on Steam starts next week! A new trailer debuted today, also.

Yeah there is a bug with Overcharge and EMP that causes them to last permanently. We have a fix for it internally but I had to pull it form yesterdays update because it broke something else. The fix will be in the next patch.

EA beta plan:

Yeah, the latest update dropped it down to 4 maps for now.