Silly Reddit/Twitter exchange about "Am I the Asshole?"

Look, this made me happy, OK? I hope it doesn’t get Milkshake-Ducked.


r/AmITheAsshole is always good for a fun read. People being assholes and wanting others to make them feel better about it.

I am taking a break from Reddit, I read r/cats and the number one post last night was a picture of a cat that had been badly abused. I am still extremely disturbed by it.

It’s also a thing on TikTok. I hear my wife listening to them and one of the common genres there is videos that start ‘am I the asshole’

Liars lying to each other, but sometimes amusing for sure.

I chucked Reddit when I decided doomscrolling had to get cut out of my life, but I do miss the lulz.

Digg? That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.

TIL Digg is still a going concern.

I’m pissed Reddit removed NSFW posts from r/all, and I’m even more pissed that there’s nothing I can do about it.

Do you need some pointers on finding butts or whatever on the Internet?

r/all is shit anyway, just curate your favorite reddits.

Am I the only one who thought of this?

No man, I just like random tits sprinkled in between cat gifs and millennials whining about work.

That jorts stuff is hilarious, thanks for sharing!