Sim City 5 - Rollcall

I thought it might be easier to have one place for people interested in playing together and use the main thread for strategies etc.

I need to know which servers and their names (it will be easier if we all start using QT3 - NAME (server name & number) when we create them on Sim City Server itself - if it the game will allow it (enough spaces etc).


QT3 - Black (West 1) ---- would be better than just QT3 Black

[B]Server West 1:
[/B]QT3 Blue
QT3 Red
QT3 Green
QT3 Black

Server East 4
QT3 East South

Please double check your names

It would help me go faster if you can type your “QT3 name = Origin name” (like in the list below)

Last entered:
Fozzle = Fozzthulu (page 3)

Qt3 name / Origin name

Sorted List:
abrandt = nodrownboy
Angrycoder = Angrycoder
Arkon262 = Arkon262
Armando Penblade = armandopenblade
Cal = Calendor
Chris Gwinn = MNGwinn
Chris Woods = Tintelpe
DennyA = DennyEditer
Derbain = Derbain
Fargull = Fargull
Farscry = FarscryGWJ
Fozzle = Fozzthulu
Galadin = Galadin1
GeeWhiz = G33Whiz
Ginger Yellow = GingerYellow
GregB = TheFirstDonut
Gutsball = Gutsballer
Ibdoomed = ibdoomed
jpinard = jpinard
Kelan = Kelan59
khgoh = supergoh
lordkosc = lordkosc
Mono = monofurioso
Morberis = Morberis
mtkafka = mtkafka
mystery = mwisconsin
Ninyu = Ninyoo
NuclearWinter = NuclearWinter
peacedog = StopPeacedog
Peter Jones = DaddyMD
Pogo = PogoTribal
Reemul = Reemul
Richard Holt = FreezerBag
Scott Dobros = Scottdobros
Sepiche = Sepiche
Thierry Nguyen = DancinTedDanson
Tom Chick = tomchick
VictoriaWong = thelonebigfish
Vincent19 = Mageical
Xemu = Xemu
Zenchess = Zenchess

Ditto… ; )

ibdoomed (Shocking and unexpected, I know.)

Like my other console network names, DancinTedDanson.

Morberis is the name, routin’ tootin’ and pollutin’s mah game.

SOP for these threads is that the OP is taking the responsibility of listing the players’ handles and the regions created.

Galadin1 on Origin

Looks like I managed to snag armandopenblade on Origin back when ME3 came out (weird that no one else shares my affinity for either suicidal emo lyrics or REALLY fucking stupid fantasy names–both possibilities are so embarrassing now that I’ll never admit which it was to start with!), so yeah, that’s me.

Won’t be on till late tomorrow (and even then, only assuming that the servers don’t shit themselves like a nursing home geriatric with a bum sphincter), but I would like to join up with whatever you wacky folks end up building nonetheless.

FarscryGWJ on Origin. I’d like to have a city in the Qt3 region, but since I’m already signed up to join a GWJ region, put me on the secondary bench if the Qt3 one fills up all its spaces. :) I plan to split my attention between both cities, but don’t want to take a spot from someone who’s only joining one region.

Angrycoder on origin.

jpinard on Origin & Steam.


same on qt3 and origin and steam…

Scottdobros on Origin

DaddyMD on Origin.

GeeeWhizz does not exist on Origin.


Ok, I’m in. I’m TheFirstDonut on Origin.

Just sent you a friend request - let me know what my name is (laugh) - though it states I am GeeeWhizz

Yep that’s your name, but for some reason I couldn’t find it via search.


Don’t have the game pre-ordered but if launch goes smoothly and I get my paycheck and reviews from people I trust are solid… I’ll be adding everyone!

Fargull Origin and Fargull69 on steam.