Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

Does anyone get a runtime error that kills their games when playing a few hours at a stretch? I am pretty sure it is happening after awhile when it is trying to auto save.

Chaplin, I find Sins superstable. In fact, I’ve literally left it running overnight with no ill effects.


Cheap. If they really loved us, they’d make it out of unobtanium.

By the way, can anyone guess which Qt3 member has his name in the Rebellion credits? I’ll give y’all a hint. It rhymes with “cordkosc”. :)


Yeah, in Australia and NZ there’s a retail release, but it’s being handled by a separate company.

Did the patch actually come out? My (Steam) copy hasn’t been updated.

Comes out today

Cool, thanks!

update is now on Steam

Whoa the CE box and stuffs is REALLY limited , less than 2500 units remaining!

The upgrade option is live now!

Am I reading that right, that the 69.95 price is the discounted price for people who already own Rebellion?

That is correct.

I like me some Sins, but I don’t know if I like it that much. Especially without knowing more about that model. If it’s actually a quality piece of work, then that might change things a bit…

Yeah, this +1.

I plan to do some videos once the stuff comes in. But the one sample we got in was amazing.

The whole package is almost 5 pounds.

The real question should be, is it fully functional? :p

I ordered one, I figure what I paid for the game plus the CE stuff, comes out to about the same as what I paid for the CE of Diablo III. And the Kol looks a hell of a lot better in that photo , than the Diablo USB skull I got…

You also have to consider only so many of these that were made, Stardock pretty much went out of their way to make Sins swag for fans of the game, and to do it after the game came out is something I don’t think any publisher has ever done that before. Its pretty cool of them. :)

Brad, by any chance are they numbered?

After patch, my game is running smoother (not so much lag).


Edit: game now crashed :( (which didnt happen to me during beta and release version for 70 hours gameplay)

Does anyone have any hints on learning to play this game? I I did all the tutorials, started a new single player game with a… And had no idea what to build or research first or what any of my first actions should be.

Your first action should always be to start building a capital ship. Next, send out scouts.

After that, you can start improving your homeworld, buidling defenses, creating more ships, and researching tech.

It appears more daunting than it is at first. At it’s core, Sins is simply a combat real time strategy game writ large, with some interesting systems layered on top. What faction are you playing? Let’s say TEC loyalists. As Telefrog said, the first thing to do is to pop out a capital ship, probably the Akkan Battlecrusier, because it can colonize worlds. Select your scouts and right click the explore button on their command card, and they’ll wiz off and explore the solar system automatically. Queue up a few light frigates and set the rally point on your Akkan. By now the scouts should have mapped a few nearby worlds. Asteroids tend to be lightly defended, while actual planets are better defended. If there is a nice arctic or lava world nearby that you want, you may want to build civic research stations so you can get the appropriate colonization tech. If not, go military. Probably prioritize long range frigates.

The early game is all about expansion and economy building, so capture as many planets as you can (if it’s just defended by two ships, no need to defeat them. Simply colonize the planet and build a Gauss gun to defend it, while moving your fleet to the next planet.) Once you have a few planets in a chain, research trade ports and set up a trade network (build trade ports in linked gravity wells).

Then switch into military production mode: pop out ships, keep your military research current, and increase the ship pop cap gradually (keep in mind that every time you increase the ship pop command you take a significant hit to your income for the rest of the game, so only do it if you can take advantage of the higher cap!).

Eventually, take your fleet and point it at your enemy.

One thing that helped me was making a table or list of all the different classes of ships and what they’re good for. “Scout”, “Carrier”, “Good vs. capital ships”, etc. This problem is exacerbated because every race has different names for their ships – and they don’t always “match up” with each other. They usually do – a scout is always the first frigate on the top left of the build list for every race, for example – but not always.