Sinus pressure is killing me

OMG! You are a crazy cat lady!

So are you! Just with one!

My sinuses are much better today. I think it has a lot to do with moving from Santa Cruz to the Bay Area and getting away from the allergens that were causing me problems. Hopefully this won’t happen again.

Also I’ve discovered that a neti pot is hard to use when one nostril is very blocked up; I got a lot of salty water in the back of my throat this morning. Snot-water. Ew.

I recommend Benzedrex. It’s small enough to carry with you and can be inhaled as needed; although frequent use can start to burn but that just means it’s working!

Yep! Well, my wife is. But I’ve put my foot down! No more cats!

*Yes, I did this 6 cats too late.

Thanks for the link, but rule number one of Qt3 is NOT to EVER EVER EVER shill a product with your first post (or any post before your 100th, to be honest, but first is RIGHT out).

Of course, shilling for methamphetamine may be an exception to the rule. It’s never really come up before now.