Skyfall - Mendes Does Bond

I think the only thing I’ve seen Javier Bardiem in is No Country for Old Men, and I LOVED him in that, so yay! Plus Ralph Finnes! YAY!

What?! You mean you’ve never seen him in Biutiful? You need to watch it this week!

Also, I loves the way Bond adjusts his watch right after he lands on the train in that most excellent of Olympic teasers.

Is it on Netflix streaming?

And I thought he was fixing his shirt sleeve?

Be prepared to be depressed!

That trailer is all sorts of delicious. How long until I can buy my IMAX tickets?!

Looked to me like he was adjusting his cuff link… definitely not the watch, wrong arm.

You may be right. It makes more sense that way, too.

Also, that warning about Biutiful is much warranted. Watch it on a good day which you’re okay depressing.

Cool visualization of Bond film revenues:

Wow, when adjusted for inflation, Thunderball is the highest grossing Bond movie? Surprising, but not too much so, since it’s so damned good.

Wow, Quantum of solace had double the budget of Casino royale?

Also dammit! I’ve got a feeling I’m about watching the whole series again before skyfall is released. Hmm that’s like 2 a week…I can do that!

That’s what I’m doing, RedHerb. Girlfriend had only seen Dr. No and Goldfinger, so I’m taking her through all of 'em to prep for Skyfall.

Wow, man. Going through the entire James Bond library is setting yourself up for a serious rollercoaster of quality. You throwing Never Say Never Again in there too? Oh, and don’t forget the original Casino Royale with Woody Allen!

Oh yeah, the girlfriend has been warned of varying quality of the bond films, but even the bad ones are still fun enough (Except for The World is Not Enough, that one was PAINFUL…) ;)

Just avoid the Pierce Brosnan ones, and it should be fine. And Quantum of Solace.

I’ll take Pierce Brosnan over some of the Roger Moore flicks any day. Octopussy? Moonraker? Gag.

Oh, we’re going to go there? Roger Moore rocked. Live and Let Die FTW. It was the Timothy Dalton movies that never existed.

If you value your relationship, you will stick with the good/decent films and skip stuff like Licence to Kill.

(Yes, I liked The Living Daylights…)

Fuck that, GoldenEye was FANTASTIC, and Tomorrow Never Dies was a lot of fun. The other two…yes, they weren’t great…

Yup, Live and Let Die and The Spy Who Loved Me are two of the best Bond flicks ever, IMO. Moonraker I think was meant to be silly…dunno want to tell ya about Octopussy though…

These last posts…

Specify, motherfucker. ;)


(it’s just like my opinion, man)