Skylanders Swap Force, heads up Gamers (fatherhood optional)

With Tom’s ‘this totally deserves its own thread’ jab, I thought I should go ahead and split this off from the Giants thread. So to that end, the next iteration of the Skylanders brand hits this Sunday (October 13th) for current gen systems then again in November for the next gen releases. I have already said a lot about the franchise:

Skylander Swap Force preview is here (soon to be released third Skylander game)

My attempt to show the potential to a traditional “grizzled” gamer can be seen here

Skylander Giants (the second Skylander game that was released last year) review is here

If you don’t have half a day to digest the above, the short of it is a completely rebuilt graphics engine is being used, the new mechanic is mix-and-match break apart Skylanders, and I enjoy the franchise not only a parent, but also just a gamer tinkering around with MOBA-like “ability bundles” long after Kiddo’s bedtime.

Now, I expect I will have one or two-thousand more words to say about Swap Force soon, but it can be quite a headache navigating the retail element over more traditional games. To that end I offer the following roadmap:

Toys R Us infamously sells Skylanders at above MSRP. They also have the best (and often only) sales, hooking into the “mark up then discount” philosophy mostly reserve for department stores. Still they come out ahead if you take advantage of all of their discounts:
[li]TRU is rumored to be having a buy one, get on 40% off at launch (not as good as it sounds given MSRP adjustments)[/li][li]They have a 20% off a single Skylander item coupon online or in store ads now (use this for the starter)[/li][li]Their matching policy seems to indicate they will price match after BOGO discounts so you should be able to match MSRP on only the full price item after the BOGO discount[/li][li]Rewards members (their sign up discount/ purchase tracking) thingy is giving 10% back on a gift card in November up to $100 for all purchases (Skylanders or otherwise) until the end of October[/li][li]Rewards members also get a free Gill Grunt character later if they spend $100[/li][li]Some TRUs are doing midnight launches store list here[/li][/ul]

If you are lucky enough to have found a Fritos 20 count Giants party bag, there is not only a code an uber rare Sidekick inside, but also a handy $10 off Swap Force Starter coupon that is a manufacturers coupon, so it should stack with other discounts.

Pre-order pretty much anywhere for a free Lightcore Hex (from Giants, but not out)

Pre-order cards are sold at Target for $1 and have a chip inside that unlocks an in game upgrade (rumored to be an alien hat)

Gamestop has some kind of buy 6 get one free deal for the Skylanders Club which is a brand new signed up for sub-set of their power up rewards. This also has some ‘win all the Swappable Skylanders’ gimmick (I mean contest) as well

The usual exclusives (different colored Skylanders) can be hunted down
[li]Gold and Blue “Legendary” figures at TRU[/li][li]Black and white “enchanted” Skylanders at Wal Mart[/li][li]Gold and pale yellowish “Nitro” Magna Charger at Traget (part of a 2 pack)[/li][/ul]

As always, deals can probably be found as the holidays approach. I expect a few BOGO type deals and the pattern seems to be to offer heavy discounts on the starters around Black Friday. Starters for the previous games are currently on the cheap and I would not be surprised to see some kind of free starter of previous game with blah type deals. That said, the characters themselves (especially exclusives) can be real tough to find as the holidays get closer. Also I have noticed TRU seemingly clearing out Giants and Spryro Adventure items recently. The giants themselves are easier than ever to find, but expect the wave 3 and 4 ones that I never saw in the wild until a few weeks ago will be impossible to find and very wanted a few months from now.

So there are the retail nuts and bolts to hopefully save someone from forum surfing and googling until their head explodes.

Oh, and since this is not necessarily the “family” Skylander thread, here is a disturbing NSFW and definitely NotSafeForKids (I mean it) youtube take on the mix and match feature. Yeah it’s a bit…off, but I can’t help the guilty sci-fi funny bone that it hits. Anyway, you have been warned…

A little bit of this a little bit of…WTF

I was gazing hungrily at the skylanders display at the toy store today. I wanted to crack open the clamshell plastics and drink deep of the succulent gameplay enriched marrow within. The only thing that stopped me was cautious, measured frugality and also the sure knowledge that my wife would rip my balls clean off and stuff them in my mouth if she learned I spent 75 dollars plus tax which is a real thing no matter how you try to pretend it doesn’t count on a video game whose sole purpose is to get me to buy more toys on top of it. Literally. Ah well, there’s always next year.

Rob’s write-up on the horde mode has pretty nearly sold me. Reading his description made me think of Unholy Wars.


MarkL, if it helps you can knock it down to $50 with the Toys R Us 20% off anything Skylanders plus the Frito Lay $10 off Swap Force starter. I did exactly that today to buy the 3ds version. You don’t need to go nuts on figures, but you will be tempted to. To be honest, and I am serious here, I have the most fun working on 3 or 4 figures throughout a given game and it’s modes, then much later pick another few to replay from the beginning. And depending on what figures you are using, some can be played in three different games now (more if you count mobile and handheld).

The TRU price matching plus BOGO 40% doesn’t work though. I strongly question their reading of their own policy, but it is what it is.

I am still composing my thoughts on the new game, but the buddies I had over (one a parent, one not) for the write up that Tom linked really liked the game and insisted that it is not a kid’s game. It was a hell of a good time. In respect for your balls though Mark, both of the guys thought the pricing was an issue. Although I bet good money that the parent buddy picks it up soon and the non parent picks up a future game if they ever offer online play.

The little one’s birthday is next week and being a hard-core Skylander fan, we parents trekked down to TRU first thing in the morning. In summary: budget? what’s a budget? Yeah, we went a little nuts on some of the new figures. But man, the excitement is going cause vibrating into new dimensions of reality. Which is all that matters ^_^

On the other hand, one week to birthday - so I have to wait to start playing! Being a good parent is such a burden sometimes.

Some overly verbose blowhard wrote a tome for a Swap Force review. It is on the front page now.
Edit: Referring to my review

Also, as with last year, wave 2 got a limited quantity stealth release at Toys R Us today. Although me mentioning it could be cruel as scalpers might have raided the stores by now. Get em while they last. The Scorpion and Night Shift looked pretty cool.

PSA time:

The Swap Force starter is available today for $37 at Walmart (or wherever you want to price match) which is an early mirror of their Black Friday price (and as good as I have seen in all the Black Friday ads). Next gen versions are available. Lots of pictures of empty shelves are showing up online (my local one only had a few 360 and Wii copies) so I would not suggest waiting if you are interested. Many deals abound for b2g1 or buy 3 for $35 sort of price points.

I saw wave 2 stuff for the first time since the limited TRU release today, and there wasn’t much. Wave 3 is rumored to be December 13. So if anyone is frustrated by wanting to unlock some mini game doors, you might want to hit some stores right away. In three stores I saw 1 Grilla Drilla.

So I finally bit on one of Toys R Us’s myriad Skylander sales and hey, this is great! I have a squid pirate, a rockety fire guy, a, er, stealth elf… They’re all pretty different in how they control, and the game looks lovely on the ps4, too. Does anyone have any recommendations regarding which figures I should get next? I just picked up the magic owl, so I need an air and an earth dude. Are any of the adventure packs worth picking up? What is a light core critter and why should one care? I think I also need a Giant…

I’m going to be so very poor.

In the end, having a a Giant for Swap Froce was kind of a meh feature as they only unlock random boxes that have gold in them. Still, it is kinda cool to have at least one for perspective. The adventure packs add another playable level, a character, and some buff items. The Tower of Time pack is popular due to the items being kind of nifty and Pop Thorn a fairly cool little guy. As I consider who I really enjoyed out of the set…hmmm… I think Night Shift might be my favorite. He has life steal and a handy teleporting ability both of which are pretty handy if you limit yourself to a few guys and high difficulty (the only way to play :). Rattle Shake and Magna Charger are high on the list as well.

Arena, swap zone challenges, and time attack mode are all great for Vita remote play too. PS4 is definitely THE system to play Swap Force on.

Holy carp I can do vita remote play! And I picked up Night Shift. I’ve been playing on hard with just a couple of guys so far. Is there a non-marketing purpose for light core or legendary guys?

Legendaries, no. The only reason for those is collecting or if you like the color scheme. Lightcore figures have a once per level explosion, but it is near unnoticeable. I like the lightcores a bit because they glow not only out of the game, but the character inside the game as well. If it is a series 1 figure and you like lightcores, get the Lightcore version.

So my son saved up and bought the starter for himself recently. I figured, with our huge back-collection of Skylanders 1 and 2 (complete for the normal version of the Skylanders) we would have enough skylanders to open all the locked content. But it seems you need dual-element skylanders for many gates and also some of the specific special abilities for the mini-games. So, it seems, I need to spend a bit more cash on this. Its a fun franchise so I don’t mind. Is there a complete list somewhere of the minimum number of the new skylanders I need to get to unlock the entire game?

Thanks all.

You need the swappables to get into the minigames. No other content is locked to them as far as I recall. Some of the elemental gates require two elements, but using a pair of the appropriate regular figures does just as well as a swappable pairing. For the minigames, just one of each base type unlocks everything. I believe to spend the least amount, you would want:

Rattle Shake (Bounce)
Magna Charge (Speed)
Free Ranger (Spin)
Hoot Loop (Teleport)
Stink Bomb (Sneak)
Rubble Rouser (Dig)

If you just want to stare at all the characters in all their variations, peek at

Excellent. Thank you Calelari.

Each movement type has two characters. For teleport I much prefer Night Shift and I think trap shadow is a bit more fun for Sneak.

Thanks Chaplin. So far my kids like the game but not the new Skylanders. My eldest, 10 year old daughter thinks they are “ugly”. Son thinks they look stupid. I guess it’s harder than they realise to make new monsters from scratch.

Quick question, can this (or any other Skylander) be played online in co-op mode or its only those challenge/pvp style maps that can be played online? Will be reolcating shortly and figured my son and his friends here in HK may enjoy playing online cooperatively and chatting that way. Dont have our 360 handy to check (or the game for that matter) as its been packed away.

The only part of Skylanders that has any online feature at all is the friends list scoreboard comparison. There is no multiplayer in any way. It is not my favorite part of the design, but it seems core to their philosophy about children and online interaction.

Ahh ok. I must be mis remembering. Or I am make assumptions since it’s like D3 in terms of mechanics.

Any recommendations for an online game for the 360?