Skyrim in 2022- new year, 100 new stealth Archers!

Unfortunately, I can’t recommend Open Cities. It puts a lot of hard constraints on your load order. It’s not just mods that change the layout of the cities that’ll conflict, it’s any mod that references locations in the city cell. So you’d need to patch mods that add quests, NPCs, etc. While there are patches out there, I think it’s best to avoid needing too many.

On the other hand, Keizaal’s Wabbajack list incorporates Open Cities as well as new lands and quests. It’s light on gameplay mods (I think it uses the Adamant mod series instead of Ordinator et al). Should be easy to add Hunterborn and some other stuff on top.

My last run I was running a LexyLOTD wabbajack run and then I added a whole lot more. It only crashed a couple times over the course of a 67 level adventure (with much slower than vanilla leveling speed), I was impressed.

671 is probably a personal record, though huge amounts of them are textures.


That 177GB does not include Skyrim’s basic installation. Which is a humble 13ish gigs in comparison.

It’ll probably be at least a year till I pick it back up again, but re-installing all that is a fair few hours of work.

Thanks, guys. Yeah, not looking for the adult mods with “action” - just stuff that adds adult content to enhance world simulation aspects (for instance, there was an Oblivion mod that had Dark Elves enslave the poor Argonians and Khajitts, etc., as well as having prostitutes in bars, and getting rid of the underwear, etc.) So as a result, I’m also not interested in more attractive armor since that’s contrary to my desire for more “realism” but it’s cool that there are so many options in these games.

Which one was that? I currently am running Living Skyrim, but Xanas and Trawzified (When its ready), is what I really want to run. And yeah - They are massive modlists, and have especially Xanas and Trawzified are very, very stable. Much more so than vanilla, and other similar modlists.

Those two are Skyrim wizards!

Edit: I am an idiot - its right there! Sorry. You are running LexyLOTD itself :-D
If you like it, try out either Xanas or Trawzified as I was talking about, which are branches. Xanas is the same with…5-10 extra mods like the religion in skyrim one, and a few others.

Yea it’s just Lexy with a few mods I enjoy that weren’t included (the religion one was one of them, actually!). And then a fair number of textures because those are more subjective and I guess my tastes don’t always 100% line up with Lexy’s in the visuals department.

But I’m one of those weirdos that thinks Intrigued ENB is better than Re-Engaged ENB for SE. Blasphemous, I know.

I am doing something I have never done, and that is to play as a vampire. I had never done the vampire side of dawn guard. The reason I had never done a vampire is because when looking at them on paper, they seemed like they totally sucked.

Well, as it turns out, they do seem to totally suck. They have tuns of disadvantages, and they advantages are super minor at best. Am I missing something about being a vampire? Is there something really good that I am not getting the point of?

Also can you see your blood pool / hunger level? I have no idea what it is, only that its low when I catch on fire outside.

When I am done with dawnguard, ill do that quest to undo yourself as a vampire. I know ill need a black soulstone, although I have no idea where to get one.

There are a couple of shady merchants in minor holds who sell black soul gems.

And yeah, it’s also been my impression that vampires suck. Unfortunately I don’t know what to do about it. I’m also hoping to do a Volkihar Dawnguard playthrough (though I’m slowing down) and I don’t have a great solution to the issue.

I am thinking of curing myself before this dawnguard stuff is done. I wonder if there is any scripted consequence. Maybe if somethign requires me to turn into the useless vampire lord, I may screw myself.

As for the curing vampirism, you just talk to any bartender about rumors who will point you to an NPC, when will sell you a black soulgem. You then fill it, meet him at a shrine at dawn (make sure your well fed) and presto, no more vampire.

Edit: Yeah, you need to stay a vampire. I just had to charm and enthrall someone.

There are mods that change how werewolves and vampires (especially Dawnguard vampires) work with the explicit goal of making it not suck. The one I’ve installed is called Moonlight Tales, but I can’t actually vouch for it because…I haven’t become a werewolf or vampire because they seem like a pain to be and I’m already a god of war!

That’s a solid one. I personally like Growl. As for being a vampire, the “go-to” mod has been Sacrosanct (by the same author as Growl, fwiw) but I’ve never been particularly interested in that path.

Yeah, I just looked at those and they seem like they’d make vampires or werewolves much more viable as a playstyle and yet…they’re still a pain. Maybe someday I’ll feel like doing a playthrough or two that actually focuses on being a creature of the night. Maybe.

I turned into a werewolf once on the spoiler questline and all it did was remind me that third-person view in Skyrim a) exists and b) sucks like it’s John Goodman voicing Baloo in Jungle Book 2.

I am played a modified version of the TSO mod pack. Does anyone know what mod causes weapons and armor to break / dissapear? I am sick of my gear being destoyed.

I beat it in like 30 hours at level 12 and never went back.

Are you using Serana as a companion? There’s a cool bug / feature where if you use her as your companion, the primary vampire attack does 1/4 damage.

You want to mod that shit right out.

Open the console with `

setstage 000EAFD5 10

Vampirism cured. Unless that will ruin your immersion. But the quest line to cure yourself is not a compelling one. Or download Sacrosanct or Better Vampires or something to make being a Vampire not terrible.

This one:

(per that page, you can change an .ini file to disable the weapon and armor degradation aspect of it)

Thanks Dan, Ill look into that tonight. I may just disable that mod. I also had wondered why my damage on weapons went down. I thought I was making mistakes. I picked up a dagger that did 48 damage, or so I thought. Then later on I was comparing it to another dagger and it only did 24 damage and I was like, WTF? I must had mis-read it. Apparently it just degraded from its original status to the new status.

As for the vampire thing, I did cure myself of it, which was pretty trivial. I am pretty sure I do not need any vampire abilities to finish the Dawngaurd DLC from this point forward because the missions are exactly the same now.

Pretty much there are only 2 missions that are completely different between the two path choices, and then they kind of merge on the rescue the moth priest quest, although you have to use your vampiric charms on the moth priest for the vampire side.

I did the soul carin as a vampire which really sucked because there is absolutely nothing to feed on. I did bring a bunch of potions of blood which got me through it barely. The whole design is just stupid.

No worries on Open Cities, I avoided it. I did Immersive Needs which was VERY easy to drop in, thank you! I also added Smilodon which @morlac mentioned as well as Apocolypse and another minor mod.

I have to say I’m at that point in playing Skyrim in which I am extremely addicted to it again. Collecting more and more things for the museum and combining that with other quests all over the place. I finally unlocked the safehouse when doing this and went from like 30 displays to over 100 in a short time period once I understood a bit more about the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod. My only gripe with it now is that new version 5 of the Safehouse puts the armory a couple of rooms away from needed chests and/or workbench/smelter. At the very least, the armory needs a sorting chest and misc chest in order to move things back and forth more quickly.

Still, the Safehouse is the BEST user dwelling in Skyrim, hands down, for crafting and all-in-one. What small things it lacks really don’t bother me as much as the benefits it gives.

I’m having fun with eating/drinking/sleeping again. Immersive Needs is kind of light on things but that is also its strength. It adds a minor amount of difficulty without being overly obtrusive.

I played through the DLC as a vampire when it first came out and gave up before finishing. It’s just a royal PITA. I’m happy they included that in the game as its liked by a lot of folks, but the drawbacks far outweigh the benefits to either vampirism or lycanthropy.