I popped by Blockbuster yesterday and had the good fortune to spot the last remaining copy of both Sly Cooper (PS2) and Starfox Adventures (GC).
I put in Sly Cooper and have done little else but play that game all weekend.
This game is just not getting the attention it deserves. It’s far and away the best platformer I’ve played on the PS2, and one of the best I’ve played on any system in a really long time.
The gameplay is mostly standard platformer fare. You jump on a lot of platforms (duh), whack some enemies, swing from hooks, shimmy on pipes, and collect stuff to get bonus lives and extra special moves and whatnot. But the implementation is just fantastic. It’s never frustrating (ahem…Mario Sunshine), each new level feels fresh, and though I know I’m doing some pretty repetitive acts, it sure doesn’t feel like it. There’s quite a few mini games, and they’re all challenging enough to require two or three tries but easy enough to beat long before you start to get pissed. I even found myself smiling at the “simon says” style rhythm game (actually a boss monster fight).
It’s just chock full of personality, too. Neat characters, slick cinematics, amazingly great animation, gorgeous levels - both the art direction and technical merits of the visuals are impressive.
I’ve heard complaints that it’s really short, but I’m not so sure. I’m just starting the fourth of five worlds and I’ve played for maybe 6 hours. I don’t think there’s a lot of replayability here, but I’m guessing it’ll last about 12-15 hours if you do some of the optional stuff. Maybe that’s not worth $50, but it’s definitely worth a rental, or a $50 purchase and a $25 return. :) Besides, I’ll take 2-3 full days of Sly Cooper over two weeks of most other platform games.