Sneaky Pete - Amazon Original Series

Season 2 is now up.

Someone watch it and tell me if it is worth watching!

Man, that season 1 recap made me realize I don’t remember anything important about this show, even though I remember enjoying it a great deal. But I don’t want to re-watch it so I’m charging ahead and hoping I don’t get lost.

Man, that first episode (season 2) was terribly written. This is not a smart show, but I enjoy several of the performers so I’ll give it a couple more episodes.

My main complaint is that every single character has some convoluted problem they’re dealing with, and it’s all blatantly contrived.

Yeah, I tried for about 2 1/2 episodes. I was going to say that this is a poorly written show, but honestly the dialogue is mostly fine, and the actors bring that to life nicely.

But yeah, the plotting and character stories are just dreadful, like the writers missed that day in class when lazy deus ex machina writing tropes were discussed. Just unwatchable for me.

Are your complaints about the writing just for season 2 or is this something you guys felt with season 1 also but stuck with it through the season?

I cut season one some slack because they were still introducing the players, but I’m not fond of how huge every problem has become for every single minor character.

For me, my issues were part and parcel of season 1 as well. This show would work so much better if our title character was able to use his sketchy skills to barely wriggle out of the problems in his life and some of the ridiculously contrived situations that are created. Instead of that happening, though, instead it’s always a phone that rings just in the nick of time, or someone showing up unexpectedly, because (unbeknownst to us – this isn’t Dickens, so a reason must be invented to lever this situation into the story) someone walks in a door at just the right time.

It’s Three’s Company levels of formulaic. “Oh, I bet this is the episode where wacky hi-jinks and conflict happens because of a miscommunication!”

Sounds like it succumbs to the issues that started to plague Six Feet Under in its latter seasons.

Oh god… that bothered me so much about that show. Thankfully, they really stuck the landing with the finale.

So I watched both seasons of this over the last week or so. It’s basically a con-job movie like Ocean’s 11 or similar, but spread out over way too many hours that are filled in with side plots, mostly family drama. I say “watched”, but I did a lot of playing games while it was on in the background because it takes forever to go anywhere. The bits that have to do with the actual cons are kinda cool, I like that stuff, but everything else just drags on. And by the end of season 2 they still haven’t gotten anywhere with revealing the whole identity theft thing. I suppose I might watch a third season if it happens, but it’ll only be to satisfy the completionist in me. If you haven’t started yet, I wouldn’t bother.

I tried to like this show, I really did. But I only made it a couple episodes into season 2 before I just had to stop. The characters were morons, the sub-plots utterly idiotic, and the drama pure cheese. The show clicked for me very early on but only got worse each episode, to the point where I couldn’t take it any more. Damn shame, I liked all the major players involved.

I liked it well enough to watch the first two season, usually while simultaneous playing some game on my tablet during the less interesting bits. Will probably do the same with the third. But it doesn’t much bother me to see there won’t be a fourth.

Haven’t been able to push myself through the second season, but clearly this show had a major problem in that the whole plot and premise was resolved in one season. Honestly, even that one season seemed rushed in a weird way – things made sense until they suddenly didn’t, and all the major characters somehow got together in a way that seemed contrived.

Finished the last season. It took me some time to watch all of it, but by season 3 I really liked all the major characters. There’s a lot of filler drama that’s not unusual in a serial show, but at some point in season 2 I started to like most of the characters.

I was happy to see the late Ricky Jay in season 3. He’s always been good in movies and he’s the real thing, given his background as a magician and historian of magic. The series was stuffed with fine actors.

So, sorry to see it’s over. I like a good caper show. While it takes an entire season to get to the actual caper being pulled, it was enjoyable getting there.