Sniper Elite 3 - Afrika

About time to be honest.

It’s happened before with other games. There was a batch of Black Ops 2 keys that got revoked because they were sold out of region by one of the grey keysellers. I’m not sure if anyone was able to get reimbursed by the seller. I doubt it.

A quick warning to anyone who is thinking about the DLC. DLC maniac that I am, I just bought the two weapons packs and tried them in game. The camo mosin is apparently so camo that it’s invisible. It appears as a different rifle in the 3rd person animations and doesn’t appear at all during the aiming and firing animations. Same with the trench gun. It’s kind of fun in that it’s as if Mr. Elite Sniper is playing cops and robbers, shooting Axis soldiers with his fingers. (Pow! Pow! Pow!)

I don’t know when exactly I’m going to overcome my stupid compulsion to snap up whatever overpriced scraps devs wave in front of my face. What makes it worse here is I already have major misgivings about this particular dev. I feel twice as stupid now that I’ve contributed even more $ to their frivolous lawsuit fund.

That being said, I have to agree that it’s a fun game and a step up from SE 2. I’m still sentimental about SE 1’s crazy wide open spaces and impossible situations. But this one is a close second.

Why mutait Why!!! The cosmetic DLC they put out totally didn’t seem worth it. :(

I have sniper and sniper 2. This thread makes it seem like sniper 2 doesn’t have the fancy bullet cam? Which one would you lot recommend?

Sniper Elite 1 really shows its age, its a 2005 game afterall. I’d just skip right into V2 , its a great game! And it has the bullet cam and XRAY kills. If you do eventually buy 3, it gives you an achievement for owning all 3 games.

Ah ok. Thanks. So when people in this thread say “it’s back” then mean “it didn’t get removed!”? :)

“its back” could also be stated as “it has returned from the last game” :)

Sniper Elite V2 definitely has the kill cams and xrays (“bullet to the head” / “bullet to the nads” being the most popular options). Buy the Nazi Zombie DLC for the opportunity to shoot Hitler in the nuts.

It’s also significantly more linear than the first game. I guess the importance of this depends on the person, but the openness of the levels in 1 are vastly preferable to me than the kill cam and graphics of 2. I also think the sniping model in 1 is at least as good as it was in 2. So in sum, to people in here that are curious, don’t rule out sniper elite 1!

The fact that people are saying the maps are quite open in this game makes me happy, i’ll have to pick this up sometime.

The MP actually sounds kinda interesting, in that there is a mode where players are seperated by an uncrossable chasm, and have to snipe each other across this, where players can be spotters as well.

Does anyone know if that mode is also playable in single player and/or coop?

I checked, it can be played 1v1 up to 6v6. You can set up a private lobby that is passworded. Only 2 maps are available for that game type.

A better game than I imagined, much better than Sniper Elite 2. The open, interesting level design changes up all for good.

That said, it’s kind of glitchy.

So I picked this up recently during the xbox one $10 sale. Wow, I had no idea what a great game this was going to be. I love the x-ray/bullet came which never gets old (I have it set to high frequency in the options). It’s just so satisfying. I found myself doing a lot of the optional objectives because most of them put you in neat little encounters or areas you needed to get into. I also briefly tried the multiplayer, and it wasn’t half bad either. So I finished it in a few binge play sessions. It was < 8 hrs but felt like the right length to me.

I’ll have to go back and play v2 which I have on steam and xbox 360 and maybe the first one which I have on steam.

x2 was free earlier in the month wit Gold.

My god - I attempted this airfield mission 10 times before I realised this game does have manual saves. Somehow I just assumed it was checkpoint only. Onward!

Did they ever fix the multi-player save bug? IE: You could not save mid-mission in multi-player after they broke it.

Dunno - didn’t know there was MP.

It is a lot of fun when you play co-op with a friend. It just suckes that you have to do an entire mission in one setting since the saves are broken.