Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts - Sorry about the last one

Finished “Altai Mountains.”
Completed 4 out of 5 contracts.
71 kills with 62 headshots.
Longest killshot: 200 meters
5 hours 12 seconds
216,932 reward
58% level completion, although I don’t know what would be required to 100% it. I suppose maybe doing some of challenges may have helped; I only managed one of them, which was 20 headshots.

I will say that getting all the collectibles was fun. They are cleverly hidden, generally in plain sight. The map will get you close, but it’s not exact.

Developer pleased with sales, 2nd Contracts game in the works.

Just got the PR on the sequel. It’s official.

Nice, I will get around to Contracts 1 eventually. Imho their games seem more accurately priced when they are half off. :P

13 euros on humble bundle. I ended up liking sgw3 quite a bit so…tempted.

I finally bit the bullet, can’t wait to dive in.

How did it go @BrianRubin

I see this is $12 beans at Fanatical for the next 15 hours .

I did the training twice and can’t hit anything.

It’s been a while for me, but IIRC, I had trouble with the training as well, and it was because they had gone and completely re-done the sniping interface, which in my mind was totally unnecessary and needlessly confusing.

Is this the trouble you’re having, or something else?
Because it’s really intuitive once you figure out where they’re coming from with it.

I actually finished this one, got it from the bundle.

I did not like it as much as SGW3 though. Maybe it was me being kinda fed up with this type of gameplay, but I was glad when it ended. On one hand, unique missions, on the other…wonky checkpointing, weird AI…

I’ve actually never played any of these games before. I just need more training I think.

1 million units sold.

Holy shit. That’s like…really soon.
I’d better try and finish the last one. Hard to believe it’s been well over a year. Still, that doesn’t seem like nearly enough development time for a developer like this to create a decent game. Unless of course they just copy the template from the last game and just build some new levels. That might work well enough to keep me happy, although I’d like to see them experiment a bit more.

I mean personally, of all the games in this series, my favorite of them all has still got to be the first one. It had its problems, but I had so much fun with it that I finished it twice. They got most things right with that one.

After that, GW2 takes second place, mostly because they committed the unpardonable sin of occasionally rooting you down to one sniping spot. Otherwise, I’d have that game tied with the first one.

Holy shit they really cranked up the gore on this one, didn’t they? lol Not sure if that much was really necessary, but I guess if it helps them sell games.

Anyway, yeah. That’s all I really noticed. Other than that, the trailer seems pretty unremarkable.

Contracts 2 will get the first dlc free on all platforms.

Oh wow, it’s out!
Seems like they’re focusing more on extreme distance sniping this time around. I can go for that. Hopefully, they let us turn the sniping aids off this time.

Also, compared to the last game, the graphics on this one look phenomenal, especially on those distance shots.

I have to say though, that those headshots are so over-the-top that they are gloriously comical, especially in slow motion, where you can see some kind of deformation tool is being used in combination with the explosion of the head, or rather the extreme deformation of the head. I’m no expert, but that’s what it looked like to me.

I am so stoked to play this, but will likely wait until my July vacation. Also, I’d rather get it from GOG, and last time, GOG got it a few days after Steam, so I ended up buying it twice.

So you guys, the second game has a thing called “Red Dot - Aim Helper” and now I can actually hit things! Streamed the first mission this morning and had a GREAT time. Asked if they could add the helper thingy to the first game in the Steam forums because it’s a GODSEND.