So, Boy Scouts: evil, pure evil, or sometimes non-evil?

My eldest daughter joined an all-girl BSA troop after the recent changes that allowed such a thing to exist. She’s loving it. I hope this doesn’t sink a program that’s become important to my family.

For eating a brownie?

I was involved in scouting for probably 7-8 years. We didn’t have the most active troop but the outings and summer camp were always fun. But it was a small group ran by basically the same adults while I was there, people whose own kids had been involved at one time.

Like any organization, it is only as good as the people who run it.

Just curious, was Girl Scouts not around or or maybe the BSA does different activities that was the appeal?

That could mean many things

This… this is just glorious. It works on so many levels.

I think that’s actually worse than eating a vegetable.

That is the canonical answer to the old riddle, “How does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout?” But that’s another piece of scouting lore that’s probably best left in the past.

“I ate a brownie” is the classic punch line. Are Rich and I really the only ones who know that joke?

She had been in girl scouts, but it never really grabbed her. When the girl scout troop folded because parents didn’t want to continue, she didn’t want to find a new one. I think it’s split between the different content and the really good adult leaders in this troop. She got her badge for spending a night outside in < 0F weather last weekend - the girl scouts never did any camping at all, and they definitely didn’t do Minnesota winter camping.

I feel like the girl scouts are a more loose organization. We camped. Did Archery, sewing like basically anything the adults in charge knew how to do with some help from the organization.

I was just curious about the draw. I am under the impression BSA have more uniformed things they do.

Thanks for sharing.

Seems that way. Kinda funny.

It’s in Without a Paddle I believe. I am familiar because of that.

We’re old motherfuckers.

Never saw that.

Sounds to me like you were in a good GSA troop. Friends of mine had troops they left because there was nothing outdoorsy.

The first time I heard that joke was in the Cub Scouts. Guess what? The Den Mother was not amused.

Scouts in the UK attracted nerds long before the net/comics/scifi/fantasy shaped the stereotype. It was always the oddballs in our school who stayed in scouts once in the teens. Surprised the decades of child rape that litters the UK scout history hasnt bankrupted them too.

I guess so. I just sort of assumed a lot of them were like that. One of the benefits of having lived in the PNW though is the forest, campsites, lakes and often the ocean is only hours away, if that.

I mean we did music and jump rope, sewing, sold these really neat dolls, and camping which is where the archery took place. It was great!

I want the kids to have fun, boys and girls, feel challenged and rewarded. Watching the BSA fall is not… pleasing. The GSA might need to expand if that’s not what they do anymore.

It probably didn’t help that the Mormons pulled their money and members.

I think both scout organizations vary a lot depending on the troop. BSA seems to have a lot more emphasis on structured advancement, and Z really likes that.