So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

They just want to stick it to liberals, full stop.

Think of all the Berkey Water Filters that Alex Jones is going to sell now.

Why isn’t this getting more attention?

Barely a month into the Trump presidency, the unusually elaborate lifestyle of America’s new first family is straining the Secret Service and security officials, stirring financial and logistical concerns in several local communities, and costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents — a price tag that, based on past assessments of presidential travel and security costs, could balloon into the hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of a four-year term.[/quote]

Trump’s three Mar-a-Lago trips since the inauguration have probably cost the federal treasury about $10 million, based on figures used in an October government report analyzing White House travel, including money for Coast Guard units to patrol the exposed shoreline and other military, security and staffing expenses associated with moving the apparatus of the presidency.

Palm Beach County officials plan to ask Washington to reimburse tens of thousands of dollars a day in expenses for deputies handling added security and traffic issues around the cramped Florida island whenever Trump is in town.

In New York, the city is paying $500,000 a day to guard Trump Tower, according to police officials’ estimates, an amount that could reach $183 million a year.

This month, The Post reported that Secret Service and U.S. Embassy staffers paid nearly $100,000 in hotel-room bills to support Eric Trump’s trip to promote a Trump-brand condo tower in Uruguay.[/quote]

Judicial Watch estimated that Obama-related travel expenses totaled nearly $97 million over eight years.

But based on the first four weeks, Trump’s presidency appears on track to cost hundreds of millions of dollars more.[/quote]

If any other President had done this, taxpayers would’ve lost their minds.

But her emails bro and Pelosi’s expenditures too.

Because people only have so much attention, and things like NSAs resigning over backchannel diplomacy, insane press conferences, abandoning the two state solution, and nuclear holocaust are a bit more attention grabby. But, yes, it’s a ridiculous situation.

Not only are we spending a shitload of taxpayer money for everything, a decent chunk of it is going straight into the Trump family pockets. Obama would be impeached if he had tried this.

Obama would have been impeached if the Republicans had 60 votes in the Senate.

Let’s not pretend like anything he did or didn’t do in office had anything to do with it.

Pretty much this.

Being impeached is not the end… and the way it’s being described today you’d think we didn’t have a modern sitting president who was impeached… but we did have one.

And it’s pretty goddamned funny #notfunny when you remember the charges Clinton was impeached on compared to the currently sitting president.

We’ve only had three Presidents impeached ever. What we haven’t had is a President impeached then actually removed from office.

Nitpick - two. (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.) Nixon was never actually impeached, though he would have been had he stuck around a few more days.

The removed from office is a separate step, and an important one. The trial is not an afterthought.

True, but that’s a distinction that doesn’t really mean anything.

@Nesrie Yes? Did I disagree or say otherwise?

I never said they were removed from office but you felt the need to respond to me like I did? I said they were impeached, and they were.

Why are you getting confrontational? You posted, I added to that. I didn’t disagree or call you into question.

I posted a fact and then a question. I think the distinction does mean something which is why it’s separate and not one step.

Please explain to me how the above is confrontational.

OK. I’m going to stop now. Forget it.

That’s your choice.

It’s just the way people talk about impeaching Trump you’d think that’s the end all. He’d still get a trial which may or may not lead to anything. I would hope if he was impeached, at the very least he couldn’t hide behind lies because there would be fact finding involved.

Part of the problem right now, is facts are not in the open. He’s trying to lead in secrecy in a democratic government… so far he is partially succeeding.

It’s really the only choice when things get this bad.