So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I can’t. Although there are always nativists, they do not make up a significant portion of the electorate. Plus Trudeau’s Liberal government does not come up for reelection until 2019 (October at the latest). Plenty of time to see how Trumpism affects the US for the worse.

Finally, Canada has never been a melting pot culture. We embrace the cultural mosaic, and properly screened refugees are a critical component to regenerating Canada’s aging workforce.

He voted for DeVos. There’s no excusing that, but it’s done.

He can start opposing every insane thing the president does (which probably means most of it). He’s a respected member of the party. There will be others that fall in step with him. They can bring Trump’s agenda to a halt.

But I don’t think he has the guts to do it. It might be political suicide, but he’d also be a stellar candidate to build a third party around.

Agreed, and I also think he’d be great for a third party run. I’ll post this here, just because it’s tangentially relevant;

You are probably wrong.
Theres million of people in the world that define themselves more by the TV series they have watch, videogames they play, than their nationality.

Gamersgate was made by people around the world.

Sure, 4chan oversize their importance, but is true that the subculture exist and is influential. RedPill, GamersGate, is like a million of isles with people living in these iesles with different motivations and goals but that togueter form the “Alt Right” archipielago. Sure maybe have a neo-nazi may have almost nothing in commong with a redpiller but…

Gamersgate was nothing in France, Austria, Hungary… Europe generally speaking. 4chan may have members from all over the world but it is essentially an American entity.

This reactionary ‘movement’ (I know Trump calls it that too but I doubt he understands anything about it) has spread all over the world, it takes various forms but there are two major common elements. The first is an irrational fear and hatred towards certain people(Mexicans n Muslims in the US, Eastern Europeans n Muslims in France or the UK, criminals in the Phillippines, gays in Russia) coupled with blaming issues on those groups of people. The second is a rejection of the values of the liberal democracy. There are other, more subtle elements, such as being left behind economically(US rust belt, Northern England) or under attack culturally(rural US, Hungary, Poland, Russia).

Basically, I suspect 4chan is an effect, a regional form of a wider global issue, not a cause.

I cant even.

They had to edit out the part about the Donald Trump real doll he keeps in the bedroom.

…not just that, but the big captial L he has tatooed on his forehead.

It’s actually four capital Ls in a circular pattern…

Obviously, Cardboard Donald is telling him to ignore his Med-Alert tshirt.

Somehow the actual picture is even worse than what was in my head.

Fox & Friends get in on the act:

And my respect for Wallace goes up another notch while my disdain for Ranch Preibus remains non-existent.

I hope Trump goes after Fox. That could be very interesting.

People keep talking about when Ryan, McDonnell, etc. will distance themselves from Trump, but the two questions that actually matter are:

When will Murdoch decide that, never mind the ratings, this is too much crazy for his portfolio and order Fox to definitively dump Trump?

When will Putin decide that Trump’s no longer useful as a stooge and order the start of stage two of Operation Chaos USA - bringing Trump down?

To be fair, Fox News IS an enemy of the American people.

American Conservatism, now endorsed by NAMBLA.

Here’s video footage of him defending pedophilia.

I wish I had archived the GamerGate and 4chan streams he popped up on. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I never thought for a second he would be important enough to be worth capturing the video. You should have heard the crap he said about women. Ironically for all the anti-Islam and regressive-left talk, many of Milo’s views would be pretty normal in a place with Sharia Law.

He’s just a piece of shit.