So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I mean they did decide to live in Kansas. I think it takes a certain kind of man to say, “Yes, I’d like my children and home and everything I love to be hoovered up by tornadoes several times a year in order to live somewhere that is flat and also brown.”

I guess the victim here is Mother Earth.

I think they are in a race to see how much of the human population they can kill before the themselves succumb.

I just don’t get this “war on science”. How do you win a war against scientific fact?!

Evidently by choosing Trump as your candidate.

Have you missed the whole anti-vax debate? Zero scientific evidence that there’s a link, but people “just feel” that there’s something wrong.

Not that that’s confined to the right. Plenty of idiot Democrats who are anti-vax.

Oh yeah.

I mean… think of all the people that straight up bought Trump’s ridiculous bullshit.

Fuck 'em in the ear. Fuck 'em in the other ear. I have no sympathy for people who through ignorance or malice decided to piss all over the American electoral process.

“All these people who talk in politics have insurance. People like me don’t,” she told ABC News. “They can talk big, and all we can do is step back and hope for the best. We are at their mercy.”

Yes, at their mercy because you VOTED FOR THEM YOU STUPID FUCKING MORON.

Forget the fact she voted for Trump… she waited until she was 55 to vote in the first place. I don’t think I’d put much stock in her in the first place.

Like what? An unretouched picture of Cheeto Mussolini?

This lady actually gives me hope that there were lots and lots like her, and that Dems will make a decent showing of a comeback over the next 4 years. Low-propensity voters are low-propensity voters. Just because they got all riled up and voted once doesn’t change that.

And her foolish vote counts as much as mine. Now I know there is absolutely know good that comes from making it otherwise, but damn if it doesn’t suck that someone so eminently unqualified to vote for the highest offices in the land is able to vote

Maybe, odds are she and her ilk just wont vote again which isn’t going to result in any massive swings since a ton of normal GOP voters didn’t vote for Trump.

Except her answer wasn’t to vote for the person who didn’t blatantly lie to her and raise premiums on her insurance, probably also going to see a drop in what’s covered. Her answer, again, was to not vote. She’s already indicated she’s learned nothing.

By demanding that feelings are more important than facts, and indeed, negate them.

This commonplace is across the political spectrum.

So is it true that jury pools are collected from the names on the voting lists? That is a popular “myth” I believe that keeps many people from registering.

I believe I have heard the yes and no answer to that question, perhaps based on where you live?

I was on a jury in 2015, and it was one of the more rewarding things I have ever done. It was a criminal trial, a sexual assault against a minor with mental disabilities, which was rough. But being able to see the power that our judicial system wields, was really fulfilling. People get to see the evidence, have a massive debate and deliberate for hours, and come up with a verdict. The deliberations were really good, we hashed it out, and over the hours we were able to come to an agreement. It felt really good to be part of the judicial system.

Man, I wish that was my jury duty experience. It was a sexual abuse case where the guy was recording young kids in his bathroom so we had to watch hours of video which was also rough. Once we got in to deliberate there were a couple people who were convinced right away that every charge was guilty, wanted no part of the process, and got somewhat hostile when I wanted to discuss. Really made me concerned if I should ever end up in front of a jury of my peers. I’m glad to hear that isn’t how it always happens, at least.