So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

The problem with England is that the crown needs to step forward and say “Go back to the fields peasants, let the people who read books and not get their news from the Daily Mail handle this.” More or less anyway.

There really is a tremendous historic lesson here that in an age where information is more readily available than ever overall, on average, democratic governance is less informed than at any point in modern history. There really is a paradox that needs to be grappled with, one of informational authority, gatekeepers and peasant credulity, and the decline of civic engagement in a greedy consumeristic society where for most the means of consumption and identity through consumption is the main political activity.

One of the problems is that with the ease of sharing information it’s so easy for the bullshit like Pizzagate to get equal exposure as something that’s actually real. With so much out there it’s less effort to gravitate towards sources you agree with than doing any actual thinking.

In fact, a recent Ohio poll confirmed that my state has a lot of idiots who will believe whatever crap the Orange Fuhrer spews.

My only respite is that the methodology is… well, questionable is a nice way to put it.

[details=Methodology]The methodology for the online-only poll of 1,019 Ohioans differs from most polls, which traditionally have been conducted by telephone. Participants were randomly invited from a pool of more six million people. The Baldwin Wallace researchers attempted to create a sample representative of Ohio’s electorate by setting quotas by age and gender, modeled using census data, and then weighted by education level, using 2016 primary results.

In an unusual move, the researchers also chose to set quotas to include an even number of respondents from each of five geographic regions in Ohio. Pollsters who weight their results geographically typically take into account that Ohio’s different regions have differing numbers of people, and give more weight to voters near Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. Copeland said she chose to weight the survey as she did to make sure no region was underrepresented.

Because the survey’s respondents opted to participate, rather than being randomly chosen, no margin of error can be calculated. The results suggest the survey’s participants may have been more politically engaged than Ohio’s electorate – 89 percent of respondents said they voted, compared to Ohio’s 70 percent turnout. A likely explanation is that people who are interested in politics are more likely to take the trouble to complete an online political poll.[/details]

I’m curious about that 6.5% of Democrats who trust Trump more than the news media…

Anti-vaxxer bernie nuts

Let’s be clear about one thing:

Anti-vaxxers on the left are way more likely to be Jill Stein voters than Bernie voters.

I’d suspect that nearly every Jill Stein voter was at one point a Bernie voter.

Okay buddy.

Try again

Hey, Adam, are you as tired and annoyed by this non sequiter dragging of Bernie as a way to slag off people? It always seems so dismissive, as a way to write off the objections of anyone slightly left of center.

You know what, Craig? I am in fact tired of the tarring of all Bernie supporters or folks anywhere left of HRC and her DLC with the brush that the weirdo fringe reddit types invite.

Hey Adam, hey Craig, me too!

oh shit I just noticed that I have a new tag

I would think the Bernie group would only still be there if they’re still mad and trying to stick it to the man, errr woman or women in general. I don’t know they actually trust Trump.

Jill Stein voters are probably anti-vax but again that doesn’t really equate to believing Trump on anything since… most of what he is talking about isn’t that.

Maybe the 6.5% are actually Democrats who voted for Trump for some other reason, like desperation to keep a job they know is being pushed out.

Man, you guys should just hop on the “paint all people slightly to the right of Finland as corporation-blowing status-quo-humping spineless election-losers” train that I’m on! May as well fight fire with fire here on the Left while the Right slowly self-destructs in Congress and condemns us all to boil on NuVenus within the next 50 years.

I am glad that Nesrie has uncovered my secret loathing for women as a Berniecrat, though. I was getting worried that no one would pick up on that!

Yeah, I clearly woke up on the FUN side of the bed this morning kids :P

When does the book burning commence?

You must have missed this in one of the other threads…

Yeah I did. Christ.
The world gets rid of Abbott and Harper only to be replaced with something unimaginably worse.
Here’s more:


They are repeating Charmed on one of my digital channels so I’m only now appreciating the wonder that is late 90s Alyssa Milano. How I missed this first time round I’ll never know.

So, it looks like knowledge of the law is limited to those that can pay. Well, at least full knowledge of the law. And keep in mind, ignorance of the law is no defense.

I wonder if there’s some kind of historical precedent for this situation. One that required some kind of reformation to keep the peasants from burning everything the fuck down.

Certainly no such examples exist, and definitely not in the years 1773, 1776, 1789, 1791, 1830, 1848, 1917.

There is absolutely nothing that they have to fear.