So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Sure, but I would hope Congress would be held to a higher standard. Again, old fashioned.

Pretty sure Clarke doesnā€™t care about rules. See : literally everything he has ever said or done.

Hell, see : his fucking uniform covered in ā€œmedalsā€ he found in Cracker Jack boxes and truck stops.

At most universities, the thesis/dissertation adviser would have put a stop to it long before the paper was done.

Eh, no, thatā€™s extremely unlikely.

Itā€™s not like he didnā€™t attribute the sources. Indeed, be actually did footnote all of them. He just didnā€™t put quotes around the exact parts.

I think itā€™s a mistake to try and blow this up into some great academic crime. I think itā€™s overplaying the hand, and becoming hysterical over it weakens the arguments about legitimate crimes this guy did.

Again, this shit is the smallest of small potatoes compared to the actual crimes this guy oversaw in his prison, which actually killed people.


Iā€™m with Timex here, thatā€™s small potatoes compared to doing something now, related to work. It bothers me, but not in a way that it makes me hate the guy. The fake medals bother me too.

@Clay Iā€™ll sum it up as, it is a bad reference for his character. Itā€™s up to him to prove otherwise.

That being said, I wouldnā€™t hire the guy.

A large group of graduating students walked out during Vice President Mike Penceā€™s commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame on Sunday, according to local reports.

ā€œItā€™s deeply humbling for me to participate in the 172nd commencement in Notre Dameā€™s 175th year,ā€ Pence said to applause and boos, according to WNDU. Students had earlier announced plans to walk out in opposition opposed to the Trump administrationā€™s policies. [/quote]

Video in the link,

Expect Trump to suck Gollumā€™s proverbial cock instead.

To be fair, a mess of people walked out on Obama when he was there in 2009. Itā€™s just kind of something that happens at Notre Dame nowadays, I guess.

Itā€™s also the proper way to do things. Obama/Pence get the message without people screaming over them in an attempt to silence them.

I tend to think you should just not show up, and that walking out makes it all about you. It is also a great way for people who believe in higher education and free speech to react.

Ideally you send your kids to a school like Notre Dame to learn critical thinking, leadership and self-expression. The outcome of that is they should be able to evaluate someone like Mike Pence and devise a non-disruptive way to protest his beliefs. Why should they need to skip their own graduation ceremony because of some guy the school invited?

You go, girl!


You donā€™t have to actively helping the people destroying the world. Maybe.

A day helping the greedy destroy the world is a day that is better employed instead playing videogames all day in home in your underpants.

This is my surprised face.

He showed up to their ceremony. Quietly ā€œprotestingā€ by staying home is the same as letting them win.

When, say, Grassley came to town people didnā€™t ā€œnot show upā€ to protest him, because then the only thing he would have seen was people who supported him. A protest that never happens isnā€™t a protest. Itā€™s not like boycotting a business, heā€™s a political leader, doing nothing is akin to supporting him.

Yep - graduation is for the graduates and their families. A lot different from a speech where you expect that the people show up are there because they want to hear the speaker.

So refusing to listen to someone you disagree with is what higher education is all about? So disrupting the graduation of others by leaving during a speech is what higher education is all about? So it is better to protest something than to let others of their graduation?

Sometimes it is all about you.

No itā€™s about Penceā€™s treatment of gays. Keep up.