So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I hate you right now, but only because there’s no like button and I had to type a response when I had nothing to add.

I’d like to say I invented that, but I think it was @Timex that did. Regardless. It’s true.

I guess the silver lining is that fewer & fewer world leaders will actually want to talk to him as time goes by.

I don’t think I did, although it sounds like something I’d say.

Thanks for the link about Aufrustung. Without it I never would have learned about Nobel Peace Prize winner (and early opponent of the Nazis) Carl von Ossietzky.

I thought it was the dumbest explanation is the correct one.

That works too.

Pretty sure that’s Gilligan’s Razor.

Well, Ironically, the America First candidate is happy to have Russian help to defeat the real enemy of American democracy: the Democrats.

This is one of the lessons I hope we can learn from Citizens United: if money is speech, and our FEC is toothless and mostly unable to pierce funding sources of PACs, then we are greenlighting every moneyed interest in the world to bid up the cost and corruption of our elections.

I’ve been thinking about this, and I think that it’s missing a key point to simply condemn spending on campaigns… because of you limit it, are you also going to limit what media outlets can say during elections? Because of you don’t, then owning media outlets gives you tons of power, since you can effectively spend whatever you want, while others can’t.

Funding limits can be debated, but foreigners contributing to or helping candidates is established as illegal but nobody seems to care to investigate deeply.

Again, like Rupert Murdoch? How much influence doors he exert through fox news? Tons.

Hehe, oops. Do you think his entire career flashed before his eyes while standing there?

God, what a hypocritical tool.

That 18-second pause wasn’t just pregnant. It gave birth, raised a child, and sent it off to college!


When this was circulating yesterday I instantly thought it was an old SCTV sketch from the preload image. .

So, this is it on the Paris Accords for us?

Only two other nations currently do not support the climate deal: Nicaragua and Syria.[/quote]

And Trump too much a coward to even say so while he was there, saying he would ‘make his decision later’. And Nicaragua didn’t support the deal because it didn’t go far enough. Trump’s America - Covfefe.