So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

If the forum had likes, I would like this post.

Context, dude.

“in tents and porpoises”

I just hit Like so many times I broke the feature. See how it’s not even there anymore? I did that, just now.

I got your joke, dude.

…but it was pretty damn subtle.

That’s me, subtle. I always berry the leed.

Funny–I always gild the lily, instead!

Enough puns! Back to depressing news!

You’ve got to “reign” yourself in, man! (although I don’t know what that expression has to do with kings and potentates)

Damn you, that’s MY LINE.

Now I’m sorry that I braut this all up in the first piece.

You are the wurst.

Yeah, I know, low-hanging fruit and all.

Damn your eyes! Now I have a hankering for a grilled bratwurst! And I don’t own a grill!
:-( ;-)

This is my new favorite thing. Thank you.

Yes, yes, i know :-) Can’t resist being the “straight” guy some days…

Wait - so dude just walks around with those things ready to hand out? So he’s all like, ok I know I’m going to have some powerful lust going on today, and it’s just so damned tiring having to apologize to everybody. Hey, stationary!

If this is real, it’s time to get to the police station right now and get a restraining order. This guy is one step away from stalking her and two from killing her.

Heh. Found it about a week ago on the AV Club comments section and I’ve been eagerly waiting for a chance to use it ever since. :D

Yeah… That’s not at all creepy and disturbing.