So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Or maybe be less pro-rape. Maybe even…anti-rape? I know, I know, I’m getting off into crazy left territory here.

Sorry. Didn’t mean to offend anyone’s feelings or anything.

But really, any of those things would be better than “stop talking.”

Sure, they’d be much better.

But even just shutting up would be doing themselves a favor.

They’ve taken the whole angle of “reports of rape on college campuses is exaggerated and there are due process issues” thing and run with it so far that they’re in the “rape doesn’t even exist and it’s always women trying to get revenge” camp. Which ties in well with some of their more evangelical base as an added bonus.

Yeah, it’s another case where a reasonable position (due process needs to be preserved, even in cases of heinous crimes) has been extended to the unreasonable.

I know, they should, you know, shut that whole thing down, am I right?!

So, our last few days:

I need to hear from more Stein voters and stayed-at-home progressives about how the two parties are basically the same.

I’m wondering: if during the primaries, GOP supporters knew about Trump what they know now, who would have won the primary?

Clinton basically told us all of this would happen. I need another drink.

I suspect if people in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin had known how close the vote was going to be, they probably would have voted for Clinton. I think a lot of Republicans who knew Clinton was a better choice didn’t vote for her because they don’t like her and assumed she had it in the bag, but if the pollsters had told them it was going to be close, might have voted differently.

Perhaps more importantly, if people had known the vote would even be in contention, more would have gotten out to vote. Nobody in the mainstream media gave Trump a chance to win. Nate Silver said he had a 30% chance and people laughed at him. Between thinking there was no contest, and not liking the alternatives much better, I can’t help but wonder how many people stayed home.

Yep, definitely agree @Misguided

Reading some reports now that say Bannon will be next under the bus. Hard to believe because he personally represents Trump’s core voter bloc. Also Bannon’s in a position to retaliate. Still, would be fun to watch from the sidelines…

I don’t believe Bannon or any of those guys are gong under the bus.

The white supremacists form the core of Trump’s base. If he loses them, he’s done.

Done doing what, exactly?

Done being president.

Martin Luther not so keen on the Jews.


Sorry, I did not see post date! (I am not liking Discourse forum software…)

I don’t think Trump would throw Bannon under the bus for any good reason like his white supremacist support, but I totally see Trump doing it for a really terrible or silly reason. Bannon supposedly disagree with his decision to fire Comey, for example. And there would be other people in the White House savvy enough to spin it like Trump was distancing himself from that base.

Scaramuchi HATED Bannon remember? And Trump loved him.

Fun fact: Julius Streicher (publisher of Der Sturmer), in his testimony at Nuremburg, pointed out Luther’s anti-Semitism, perhaps in the belief that it would be exculpatory to do so.

When I’m cheering for a Pharmaceuticals CEO, something is messed up in society.