So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I mean, biblically speaking, the Old Testament basically says the penalty for a man ‘spilling his seed on the ground’ is death. See Genesis 38:8

So basically, yeah. That’s about the shape of it.

There is an article somewhere that links a video from 2008 of Jeffries saying the exact opposite about it being irrelevant

Some of us devout Christians haven’t been able to support the modern Republican party for several years. It took me a lot of personal reflection and thinking through viewpoints that weren’t my own to get there. I still see from my family (full of very intelligent people) how easy it is to generalize all Democrats as wanting to murder babies and take everyone’s guns away. Partly because hearing enough people say that makes it believable, partly because politics are so tribal and it’s hard for people to stop and actually try to listen/understand the other sides viewpoint, and partly because a lot of the left really does dismiss and talk down to the Christian Right. Now, I don’t know how you get the reasonable people on that side to call out and deal with( or even just provide an equally strong counter-example) the clear hypocrites who don’t in any way represent Christian values except when it suits their political goals, and that frustrates me to no end.

So does that follow that any wasted seed that does not result in pregnancy is a sin and results in death? That’s like, every man that was, is and ever will be.

Nocturnal emission as a young man? DEATH!

Thanks for your perspective. I suspect there are a lot of people like you, but “Everyday person reflects on their deeply held values” doesn’t make the news quite like, “Pastor says it’s fine for Trump to bang porn stars!”

I also believe that the core problem is how deeply tribal our politics have become. People don’t consider both sides when one of those sides is a core of their identity. Self-selection across all spheres of social interaction – where people live, who they talk to, what media they consume – is going to make this worse.

Right, but Old Testament? Can’t you justify pretty much any atrocity with the Old Testament? Don’t slavery, wife beating and genocide all have textual support there?

I can’t take anyone seriously when they cite the Old Testament for moral authority (and I’m not accusing you of that certainly!). That’s squarely in the camp of, “I want to do something terrible, and here’s my excuse!”

It’s not all evangelicals, but the others have lost their branding.

And it’s not all Christians “the left” either that talks down to Christians. There are dominant voices here, but The Left doesn’t hate Christians, but they are voacale again the hypocrites within the Christian faith. There’s also a small portion of the left that mocks religion in general… they’re a minority. The white evangelical hypocrites do not appear to be a minority within the Evangelical group even if they are a minority of the Christian faith.


Never forget that Numbers chapter 5 tells how a priest can perform a abortion on a woman who has been unfaithful to her husband.

Unfiltered word of God and all that.

Excuse me, I believe you mean Saddam and Gamera.

And the vocal minority is what Fox News uses to demonize the entire left. I don’t know what can really be done about that due to the environment we’re in. I think the only solution comes from within Christianity itself, but that presents all sorts of problems of it’s own. The more I reflect on it the more I feel it’s similar to the problem of radical Islam and the solutions are similarly difficult.

I never knew… Thank you for that interesting tidbit.

Quick, somebody go register every possible domain permutation of “keep America great”

So America is dying due to a prescription opiate problem sold by giant companies, and Trump is talking death penalty for drug crimes. Great.

He’s just “putting it out there.” “Everybody’s talking about it.”

Only if the drug dealers are a certain ethnicity, though.

In Trump’s mind they all are.