So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Can’t we just send them back to whichever shithole country they came from?

Guess all that legal pot in CO is making her a little paranoid.

Why isn’t the mother being called out in this article?

“Critics are holding up the incident as just the latest example of racial profiling.”

Critics? How about everyone with a brain.

I keep hearing about fear of doxxing, like the internet mob will go after her. I just feel for the teens, and i am pretty pissed the officials at the school just sort of watched it all happen and did nothing.

The way I see it, there are millions of people in this country. There will ALWAYS be stupid, racist people. What’s important is how institutions act in response to stupid, racist people being stupid and racist. Institutional action is how you actually address these things. Calling the mother out won’t address the problem.

I think the only school representatives involved were the tour guide (presumably some student, maybe even a volunteer) and the responding officers. It really was on those responding officers to put the burden on the mom to give some reasonable explanation why the teens were a problem, rather than taking her word for it and pulling the teens aside to make them prove that they weren’t no good redskin troublemakers.

It’s that burden shifting that is part of what appears to be racial profiling.

I am kind of under the impression that the only reason the school is responding at all is due to the PR storm they just hit. This happened on Monday. News broke out today so while maybe the tour guide might not have stopped this did the school do anything at all for 4 days?

Perhaps I phrased it poorly; I’m not looking to find out who the mother is or punish her. Rather, I find a news organizations like CNN to be institutions which have a little more responsibility. Saying “It appears to be racial profiling” instead of “critics say…” strikes me as the correct tone.

To go a little more extreme to make my point, if Klan members lit a cross on someone’s lawn, I wouldn’t expect to see “critics say this is one more act of racism by the Klan.”

That sort of stuff is saved for contributor opinion pieces now days.

The CNN article didn’t have details on when and how it was reported to the school. Is there another article with more details? The first signs of action being 4 days later doesn’t necessarily mean that school officials were aware of it for 4 days.

I am curious about where this mother comes from that seeing two teenage native Americans showing up on a college campus, in broad daylight, would freak her out enough to call the cops. Even if you’re the most racist person ever, you’d think your fear meter would be calibrated to be less sensitive, otherwise you’ve got the cops on speed-dial. The whole thing is just weird.

Well the wording from this article:

Says they are inviting the boys back… not that they had, but there is a plan to invite them and pick up the tab. It seems like if they had done that already, they would have said, yeah we apologized and invited them back, we’re still working on details.

Now it could be the reporters are not reporting well but this doesn’t sound like they were being proactive after this incident but reactive. And it sounds like this was campus police so… they would know it happened.

The standard response in a situation like this should be to immediately dial 1-800-H-A-N-N-I-T-Y. You’ll be connected with an available white nationalist that can counsel you through whatever troubling situation you might find yourself in. Black man walking your way on a semi-crowded sidewalk around lunchtime? CALL HANNITY! Hispanic man inside a Taco Bell with you and he’s NOT behind the counter? CALL HANNITY! Two dark potential gang members show up maliciously during your kid’s college tour? You know what to do.

I am both horrified and amused by your clever response.

That belongs on a t-shirt

Make it happen! I’d buy that shirt.

You could also use the classic drama masks for tragedy and comedy.

I thought that college campus thing was cut & dried on the first reports. I’m not so certain now though.

Having just watched the cop camera footage and then read some more articles, it seems like the accusation is driving the narrative rather than the facts. Reading the transcript of the call she made, its apparent her (and others) felt their behaviour was strange. It may well be an over reaction on her part. Its tougher to say with absolute certainty racism was her motivation.

It was likely unconscious racism, which is what is most devestating to minorities and what they deal w everyday. If it is two white boys who say they are from Boston, does the same call get made? What about two white girls from Minneapolis? Instead it was two “Hispanics” one who says he is from “Mexico”