So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

Dante has a place for 'em!

Dante reserves a special hole in the third sub-circle of the eighth circle of Hell for corrupt Popes; they are stuffed into it, one after another, headfirst. Their feet are then lit on fire.

The shit-pool next door might be even more appropriate. Or maybe they can work out some sort of rotation.

Respect has to be earned.

I realize my attitude of hidebound disapproval is unconstructive. I’m almost past caring, though. If I had ambitions to run for office maybe I’d have a different take.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a latte to sip.

They deserve to be ridiculed and disrespected.

Pretty much, which is what Tom is rightfully saying.

“We voted for President Obama and still we are ridiculed. Still we are considered racists,” said Cindy Hutchins, a store owner and nurse in Baldwin, Michigan. "There is no respect for anyone who is just average and trying to do the right things.

Aka, I voted for the black guy and when I said racist things people still said it was racist. I thought in a post-racial world I could say and do anything and not be called racist so long as one of “theirs” was in the White House… which is a view that should be disrespected.


You’re the snowflake!

Trump says he’s pro-life. That’s all that matters to evangelicals.

I’m just surprised they didn’t realize he meant he doesn’t want to die.

“To work” is strangely missing before “in warehouses”

I thought Trump would put them on the border building a fence. That way he could say Mexicans were building the wall.

Crap like separating kids from their families just shows you how bullshit the “religious right” is. Fuckers that say how Christian (or whatever) they are but still vote for and support this con artist piss me off.

Me too a million times.

Trump simply hasn’t been born again yet. There’s plenty of time for him to do so. That’s the cool thing about being born again!

I guess this thread works just fine for this: