So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

I love how Fox takes in every dumbass in history who spouts the party line. Wide umbrella indeed.

Also seen on the Popehat twitter feed today:

Victim Blaming: It’s Not Just For Rape, Anymore!

Bomb in quotes. Of course.

An unexpected defense I’m seeing in Twitter comments is “Calls to lock her up for crimes committed is no t the same as calling to blow her up!”

I mean, I guess if the criteria is, did Trump explicitly instruct his followers to send bombs to the list of people who were targeted, then, sure, Trump is not responsible. NO COLLUSION WITH THE BOMBER!

No, never! They’re just the enemy of the people, that doesn’t mean that someone should start sending “bombs”.

Of course, if there’s actual backlash against this guy, Trump will distance himself by Monday and explain how he prefers bombers who don’t get captured.

This guy is a genius.

Listen, Donald Trump’s supporters are very passionate. They love America.

(This was his response during the primaries when some of his supporters beat a Latino homeless man with pipes while screaming about making America great again. That was the moment I first realized he was an unapologetic fascist.)

Just remember, this is the world your friends and family who voted for Trump voted for. It cannot be forgiven. It just can’t.

A certifiable brain genius.

As someone who was nigh beaten with a stick if I even so much as thought of hyphenating an adverb ending in -ly with the following word in middle school English, this utterly baffles me.

Holy fuck. I made the mistake of reading Laura Loomer’s Twitter feed. I need mind bleach. That woman is CRAY-Z.

English changes. I suspect this has something to do with this compound adjective’s transition from flat (full grown) to ‘-ly’ form (fully grown.) “Full grown man”, for instance could admit some ambiguity to the reader. (Is this a grown man who has recently eaten?) So, you might use a hypen. Since “full-grown” is not completely out of common usage, the hyphen might be a carry-over.

What the police haven’t revealed is that the “pipes” were actually cans of mixed nuts, and the “explosives” were actually spring snakes.

Genius of Trumpian proportions.

Twitter as usual on the ball…

Really, what is wrong with Twitter? Someone makes a threat like that you ban them.

What, and invite bombs to their own offices? That would put too many Twitter employees in danger. It was her problem, she could deal with it on her own.