So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America


Literally all the romaine lettuce in the entire fucking nation is considered dangerous.

Tell me more how we should deregulate food industries. It’s going great.

Wow, certainly feeling like an advanced nation right now. That’s just simply incredible.

Didn’t this just happen like a year ago with the Romaine?

Yep, don’t know if it was “literally all the romaine on the continent” but it was at the same time last year.
And then again in April, but that was narrowed down to one place at least.

Best part is around here the only fucking lettuce you can buy anymore is romaine.
I’m not saying iceberg was the best lettuce, but it didn’t fucking try to kill you twice a year.

Time for me to just give in and just go on the all donut diet.

Last year’s outbreak was romaine from around Yuma, AZ. Now it’s all romaine everywhere.

That was this year in April iirc.

Last year in November it was like 15 states or something.

There is a fundamental flaw in how romaine is harvested and brought to market. It’s always romaine.

There’s a really self-destructive part of myself that wonders why I should try to eat healthier and work out more to live longer, since we’re going to descend into a climate-change-spawned fiery hellscape ever-war by the time I’m getting up toward the three-quarters point of my natural lifespan and because I think I’ll be too ashamed of the worldwide turned to hate-fueled nationalism to want to live anywhere anymore, anyway.

That self-destructive part of me sometimes wins out because doughnuts are really fucking good.

Probably also want a good multi-vitamin too. Like a Flinstones Chewable.

JFC, I can’t even keep the romaine outbreaks straight anymore.

To this day, the only multivitamin my 31-year-old girlfriend will take. Given the long slow road toward getting her to eat more than chicken tenders, pizza, and macaroni and cheese, I assume these are the only things keeping her from dying of scurvey.

Everyone romaine calm. Lettuce pray while the CDC is a dressing the situation.

I wish the anti regulation people would get sick from stuff that affects the rest of us. From tainted water, to polluted air, and compromised food.


If you live in Seattle, I can help with that. And as an added bonus, my business is at the local Farmer’s Markets, so I’m relatively comfortable still eating lettuce (or anything else) from those producers- just in case you want to break your new diet.

This episode of Planet Money gets into the details.

We already know where this is coming from

Cow shit.

Really? Green leaf and red leaf are the most popular around here.

Well… there was this case a few years ago

but snopes is calling it unproven