So I guess 2016 claimed its biggest victim yet - America

“Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally,” the letter signed by Judith Herman, Nanette Gartrell and Dee Mosbacher, and published by the Huffington Post, reads.
“Nevertheless, his widely reported symptoms of mental instability — including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality — lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibilities of the office.”

Guess what? It don’t matter!
Trump’s been obviously fucked in the head for as long as he’s been running for office! It’s not like this is somehow a new revelation!

He’s a nut job, and idiots elected him anyway!

Exactly. Everybody needs to stop acting surprised. We elected a sociopathic narcissist. That is our reality.

I still sit here haunted by the idea that a teacher for special needs kids (friend of mine) voted for a man who openly mocked a guy with a disability. If I said the word “retarded” back in the day she would’ve castrated me on the spot. Now it’s apparently okay to just openly mock them as long as you don’t like Hillary while you do it.

Wonder what her stance on camps for them is? Probably for it if the right person brings it up.

The poll that claims 52% of Republicans believe Trump win the popular vote was an online poll by Qualtrics (anyone know if they are good?)

Pew conducted a telephone poll with similar questions but less dire results.

At this point, I don’t know if anyone is any good.

If I see “online poll” in the title, I just have to assume it’s crap. At best it’s the opinion of folks that were foolish enough to click on a link for an online poll; at worst it’s a meaningless number flooded by whatever corner of the Internet that decided to make it a cause célèbre with a group of bored trolls.

This. Binary politics destroyed our country this election cycle. People who would never have voted for such a candidate in a different election cycle put aside their concerns and voted for Trump because they were convinced they had to, convinced that it was Trump or say goodbye to everything they held dear to their ideology. Crooked Killary was the enemy, and had to be defeated. Trump’s ridiculous statement that he could “shoot somebody on the street and get away with it” was prophetic. Conservatives made him untouchable in their desperate fervor to defeat Clinton.

Conservative media finally got what they’d been wanting for a decade this election cycle, they finally reduced the election to base binary politics. But they didn’t realize when the elephant was free from the cage it would rampage and destroy everything in it’s way. They spent years building an image of Democrats, liberals, Obama and Hillary as the enemy, forces to be defeated, no compromise, no quarter. Nothing was off limits in the war for conservative victory. Trump’s team came in at the tail end of that decade of war and, with the help of Wikileaks, the Russians, and the alt-right, played conservatives. In typical Trump fashion they walked in at the end and claimed credit for the work done by other people. Now conservatives think they have a victory, but many in that community are beginning to understand they were played, that Trump and his team are NOT conservatives, they are not even true Republicans, they are independent authoritarians looking to setup a plutocracy. Their goal is to gain as much control as possible so they can reap as much wealth as possible, and the only best interests they have in mind are their own.

Unless a miracle occurs in the electoral college voting today, America is well and truly screwed for years to come. Even if Trump is impeached before his first term is up, he and his cronies will still be able to do damage that will take years to undo.

I think that is what Republicans have been for quite some time. Trump is just being honest about it.

Or perhaps one year from now…

It’s far too late for statements like this. They should have brought it up in June.

This really isn’t an issue where anyone should give the wrong answer. Not knowing is one thing, if you just aren’t paying any attention, but it’s not very encouraging that 32% of Republican-leaning respondents think Trump won the popular vote.

I think this is true enough, but I would say that even if Trump is impeached on day 1, Pence and his cronies would do approximately the same amount of damage. Trump is scary because of the likelihood of a war against China, and his tendency to suppress all opposing voices and become a dictator, but he also comes with a populist message and a business-like pragmatism that might result in some positive domestic policies if not for the GOP devil on his shoulder. I’d rather have a stable democracy than a President pulling us into dictatorship, but Pence and the GOP will cause plenty of harm even if Trump fails to undermine democracy.

On the plus side, without Obama and Killary to kick around, it will be a lot harder to vilify the Democrats - I’m sure Schumer and Pelosi will get their share of negative coverage when they try to torpedo bills in Congress, but it will be easy for other candidates to keep some distance from them and Trump will keep the focus on himself. So perhaps the new DNC chair will have something to work with in 2018, at least in the House.

A bit about his Praetorian Guard:

Yup, it’s done. We bought the orange clown. All the last-minute hand-wringing is a sad mockery intended perhaps to salve consciences or remind future generations that we understood the calamity we’d brought upon ourselves. For all the good it will do.

However, had it been brought up in June, I doubt it would have mattered anyway. Trump could always just roll out Dr. Lebowski to give him a clean bill of health, redirect to Hillary’s cough, and the braindead morons who backed him would go back to screaming ‘Trump that Bitch’ and ‘Lock Her Up.’

I have had Trump voters say that if you pull California’s vote out of the national vote Trump did win the popular vote in the other 49 states. I am not sure what that says about California or the other 49 states.

After the failure of just about all polling in regards to the election I find myself dismissing every poll I see. Polling is going to have to prove itself to me that it is accurate before I believe them again.

Well, if they think something needs to be done, they should have pressured the government to do it prior to the election. It’s conceivable that such pressure could have gotten him to either submit to an examination by a court-appointed doctor, though it’s highly unlikely. If he’s not fit to serve and there’s some way to compel an exam, that’s the time to explore it. At this point, I don’t even know what they want Obama to do - declare that Hillary is President? I suppose you could do it now in an attempt to get Pence to invoke the 25th amendment, but impeachment for violating the emoluments clause seems like an easier path.

Also, of course, as we all know, the 40-plus million people in California, who gave America its film and television industries, much of its music, and most of its tech industry, are not real Americans.

And luckily for the horror clown, our votes only count 1/5 or so as much as votes in other states!

I read the source on this at the washington post. I’m always suspect of polls and appreciate it when details are published. In this case, no details were given other than:

In a nationally representative online survey of 1,011 Americans conducted by Qualtrics between Dec. 6 and 12, we asked respondents

I use Qualtrics at my work. It’s an emailer and you are largely dependent upon who responds. I have a lot of questions about things like this - if it’s “nationally representative”, then either they are lying or they are throwing out samples to get to a true representative sample. What states? What race? Age of respondents?

I would ignore any email asking my opinion, and I’m suspect of people who actually think their time is important. This could be offset if this survey has enlisted a broad set of people to participate over a long period - where they use this sample for a variety of questions, but even that can skew results.

So in summary, I wouldn’t go around & quote this to others.

EDIT: I see @magnet has this covered already:

I think they are pointing out that California is not “typical” of America. And as someone who lives in California, I do think there is much of the state that does think it is better than and knows better than the rest of the country.

Give the results of the election, I think it’s clear that much of California does know better than the rest of the country.