Classic Fox.
I think you mean the choir, but yeah … nobody is watching Fox because they’re interested in hearing an opposing viewpoint. It’s masturbatory at best.
I used to occasionally watch Fox News just to get a different perspective. That was before I realized that it is really more a propaganda machine than a proper news source.
The instances were they edited out applause from one of Obama’s speeches, and the one where they used footage from another rally to make another of their right-wing rallies seem larger than it was were the two big things that I found incredibly heinous.
This puts them in a whole other class of ‘news’ compared to MSNBC. Hell, it’s sad that The Daily Show is more factually correct than Fox News.
EDIT: Ouch, while searching for links to the two instances ( found one here:, but searching for “Fox news uses wrong rally footage”, I found they’ve done that for multiple instances. Just so wrong.
And let’s not forget their habit of labeling Repubs in trouble with a (D) in front of their names.
The occasional photo doctoring and deliberate mistake stuff is pretty bad, but it only distracts from the fact that their major product is what used to be called “yellow journalism.” That they like to shoot their mouths off about media bias is just a laugh.
There’s only one US-based newscast that’s worse, and that’s “Russia Today.”
I dunno, their coverage of the iPhone 5’s undocumented features (skip to 40 seconds) shows that they exhaustively fact check every bit of news that crosses their desk.
While hilarious, that was a local affiliate, not the main FOX News. :)
They’re actually really good at covering like disasters and things that are “real” news.
Shame about the rest of it all.
It’s much more insidious and disguised than Medusa squirrel violence, they cleverly target the threshold of believability just within the gullibility of their regular audience.
Hey since you’re from Denmark, here’s FoxNews reporting on something close to home: FoxNews vs. The Dutch
FOX News is vile, vile stuff.
Hey, if it wasn’t for Fox News Stewart wouldn’t have enough material to put on his show each night.
I mean really, when even the Muppets get to dismiss you as a “News” outlet, you know you are entering cultural lampoon territory.
The problem with Fox News is that you can’t really point to one or two instances and say “SEE THAT’S WHY THEY’RE BAD”. Rather, it’s the entire way the station presents itself. Day-in, day-out, it’s constant, unyielding propaganda.
Every single question asked by reporters is leading and biased in some way. The hosts regularly and radically shift their talking points depending on who’s speaking. They’ll praise Paul Ryan for giving specifics in his speeches (no matter how much those specifics are lies), and they’ll attack Bill Clinton for giving specifics in his speeches.
For their “news” segments instead of opinion segments (though opinion makes up the vast majority of their coverage), they’ll deliberately omit huge stories that make Republicans look bad, and endlessly cover non-issues that make Democrats look bad even if the story is entirely baseless.
It’s just nonstop. But it’s also subtle and well-crafted. Those who watch it regularly don’t realize just how much they’re being lied to, and those who don’t watch it and don’t pay much attention to it can’t really understand how bad it is by watching it a little bit here or there.
The other bit of long-form context that helps is to see the extent to which Fox News perfectly mirrors the Republican party’s talking points. Every day, on every issue, they hit the exact same position with the exact same phrasing.
It’s good marketing to repeat. That’s why you see the same adds on TV for new DVD releases and such over and over. it apparently takes 12-16 views for a person to really absorb the average ad.
Even his “clarification” of his remarks are passive aggressive bullshit entirely based on a false premise (that Obama has ever “appeased” anyone in this situation is a blatant lie)
WTF is this dreck doing outside of the cesspool that is politics and religion.
I did ask for it to be moved, and I even reported my own first post to this effect.
This. Although i’d add that if you don’t just rely on american media for your news you can see exactly what they are about with just a quick view from time to time. I only need to watch a few minutes, and as soon as the infamous ‘I’ll tell you what i think’ turns up from a news anchor it becomes obvious it is all about propoganda.
It’s not even that it is subtle (it isn’t really) or well crafted (I would not notice it as pure propoganda if it was), it is however slick, they all dress well and look presentable and professional, so the image is all in the right places if you want to pretend to be serious at your task (telling the news) and that gives it a air of legitimacy in the eyes of it’s viewers i’m sure.
A school friend did a mid-term essay that compared Fox News with the Nazi propoganda machine, used lots of examples etc and it is amazing just how uniform the tricks of pure propoganda are, even across decades. Murdoch is the new Goebbels, he really is.
So, The Daily Show addressed Fox’s response to the Romney speech last night. It does a pretty good job of showing some of their worst tendencies.
It’s the whole first segment here (Chaos on Bulls#%t Mountain). Not sure if you can get it outside the US:
Also, I think it’s notable in that this might be the angriest I’ve ever seen Stewart. By the end, he can’t even pretend to do the joke-telling / mugging for the camera thing. He’s just yelling. That starts around 8:00.